
shù shāo
  • treetop;tree top;the tip of a tree
树梢 [shù shāo]
  • [tree top] 树的顶枝

树梢[shù shāo]
  1. 贴树梢飞行的WZ-10的主要任务是战场屏障、消灭敌人的固定及移动目标,还包括一定的空战能力。

    The primary mission for the treetop hugging WZ-10 is battlefield interdiction , eliminating the enemy ground fixed and mobile forces , and concurrently certain air combat ability .

  2. 这绝对是我所见过最浪漫的树梢景观。

    It was the most romantic treetop view I ever saw .

  3. 风儿吹拂着树梢。

    The wind was blowing in the tops of the trees .

  4. 塔尖从树梢上露出来。

    The tower peeped above the trees .

  5. 他们听到的只有风吹过树梢的飒飒声。

    All they heard was the wind whispering through the treetops .

  6. 微弱的日光从树梢中透出。

    Faint glimmers of daylight were showing through the treetops

  7. 燕子擦着树梢飞过。

    The swallow shaved the top of a tree .

  8. 树梢和屋顶齐平。

    The tree top is level with the roof .

  9. 蜻蜓掠过树梢。

    The dragonflies skimmed the treetops .

  10. 于是,乌鸦高高地躲在枞树的树梢,似乎要安顿下来开始享用美味。但是嘴里含着那一小块奶酪,心里还要思量一番。

    The crow had perched upon a fir . She seemed to have steeled down to enjoy her provender with mouth half-closed , the dainty bit still in it .

  11. 树梢发青,现出了几分春意。紫阳1号茶树新梢cDNA文库构建及EST序列分析

    Construction of Tender Shoots cDNA Library of Camellia Sinensis Cv . Ziyang 1 and Analysis of Expressed Sequence Tags

  12. 现在月亮是在东边的树梢上。

    The moon was now above the trees in the east .

  13. 那只小鸟嗖地飞上了树梢。

    The white bird flew to the top of a tree .

  14. 最甜美的葡萄挂在最高的树梢。&赫尔姆

    The sweetest grapes hang the highest . - F. E. Hulme

  15. 这旗帜远远高出树梢。

    The flag is well above the branches of the tree .

  16. 大雕将其尸体带回树梢上的窝里。

    The eagle carries the body back to its treetop lair .

  17. 那只小鸟落在了树梢上。

    The bird sat on the top branch of the tree .

  18. 他抬起头,越过树梢望着远处,思索着他的回答。

    He looked across the treetops , thinking through his response .

  19. 一两分钟后,你已经高于树梢了。

    After a minute or two you would be above the trees .

  20. 今晚,似乎满月徐上树梢。

    Tonight , the moon came out , it was nearly full .

  21. 我们够不到树梢上的苹果。

    We couldn 't reach the apples on the topmostbranches .

  22. 滑翔机掠过树梢和屋脊。

    The glider skimmed at tree-top height along and over the ridge .

  23. 而这里的树叶却像是挂在树梢卜的火焰,发出耀眼的光芒。

    Here they take fire on the trees and hang there flaming .

  24. 这两者都对始于树梢的生活方式至为重要

    Both are crucial for a lifestyle that began in the trees .

  25. 初升的太阳给树梢染上了一层金色的光芒。

    The rising sun gilded the tree tops with its golden beams .

  26. 在树梢上叽哩咕噜乱叫的猴子。

    Monkeys gibbering at one another in the tree-tops .

  27. 拥有敏锐视觉加上栖息树梢

    Keen eyesight and a perch high in the trees

  28. 接下去是水沟,然后是截去树梢的柳树。

    Then , ditches . Then , pollard willows .

  29. 于是,它找到一枝树梢落下。

    Thereupon , it finds a treetop falling behind .

  30. 另外一个孩子则用一根树梢搅和地上的泥浆,作出一块“巧克力-香草-草莓-草药布丁”。

    Another made'chocolate-vanilla-strawberry-herbal pudding'by stirring mud with a twig .