
  1. 葛根芩连汤两种配伍比例的化学药效组分比较分析

    Comparison of active components alignment from two kinds of compatibility proportion in Puerariae Decoctions

  2. 而安第斯山当地的菜肴炖肉汤一种玉米、豆子、南瓜和肉一起炖的丰盛菜肴非常美味。

    As for native Andean cuisine , locro , a hearty stew of corn , beans , squash and meat , is delicious .

  3. 少腹逐瘀汤中12种元素含量的测定与分析

    Analysis of the Contents of 12 Elements in Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang

  4. 同时测定血府逐瘀汤中3种主要成分的含量

    Simultaneous Determination Content of Three Main Components in Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction by HPLC

  5. 罗宋汤是一种源自乌克兰浓菜汤,在东欧和中欧国家广受欢迎。

    Borscht is a popular soup of Ukrainian origin in Eastern and Central Europe .

  6. 西班牙冷菜汤是一种西班牙冷汤,里面主要是蔬菜。

    W : Gazpacho is a cold soup from Spain . It 's mostly vegetables .

  7. 方法以逻辑学的方法考察《伤寒论》中太阳中风证与桂枝汤证两种证候概念的差异。

    Method To use the logical method to examine the difference between wind-attack syndrome of Taiyang ( WAST ) and Guizhi Decoction syndrome ( GDS ) in the book of " Shanghan Lun " .

  8. 骨汤作为一种健康饮食潮流在2015年初露锋芒,但在今年早前的冬季才真正形成发展势头。著名影星格温妮丝•帕特洛、萨尔玛•海耶克和谢琳•伍德蕾都成为其粉丝。

    Bone broth as a healthy foodie trend first started to take off in 2015 , but really gained momentum during the winter earlier this year , with Gwyneth Paltrow , Salma Hayek , and Shailene Woodley coming out as fans .

  9. 这种汤是在一种受欢迎的传统汤羹中加了香料。

    This soup is a spicy variation on a traditional favourite .

  10. 甜菜让这种汤呈现出一种鲜亮的红色。

    The use of beets in this soup lend the dish a vibrant red color .

  11. 有清汤和奶油汤,喜欢哪种?

    We have clear and cream soup at your choice . Which one do you prefer ?

  12. 结果《伤寒论》中“太阳中风证”与“桂枝汤证”两种证候概念的关系只是“相容关系”不是“等同”关系。

    Result The relation between WAST and GDS , two concepts of syndrome manifestations , is not an equal relation but an inter-tolerance relation .

  13. 现在,王老板选取的牛肉都是从日本、澳大利亚、美国和巴西等国家进口而来的。每块牛肉都以特定方式精心处理,而牛肉汤共有六种不同的口味,牛肉也分别取自牛身上的不同部位。

    Now , all the beef Wang uses is imported from Japan , Australia , the U.S. , Brazil etc. Each cut of beef gets trimmed in a certain way , and the soup Wang uses has six different flavors , all prepared from different body parts of the cattle .

  14. 结果表明,补血方药、圣逾汤、八珍汤、十全大补汤、养容汤这五种补气养血方药除了养容汤的剂量组Ⅰ外其余对环磷酰胺诱发的微核均有抑制作用。

    The result shows that five kinds of prescriptions of supplementing Qi and Nourishing blood have the effect of inhibitation on MN induced by CPP .

  15. 也有一些版本的罗宋汤不使用甜菜:比如用番茄可以做出橙色的罗宋汤,还有一种绿色的用酸模做成的罗宋汤。

    There are some versions of borscht made without beets . There is an orange borscht , which is made with tomatoes , and a green borscht , which has a sorrel base .