
  • 网络invisibility cloak;invisible cloak;The Cloak of Invisibility
  1. 它们就像一顶隐形斗篷,让免疫系统无从发觉被藏起来的病毒,保护它们不受包括胃酸等恶劣环境的影响,还帮它们击败肠道内的靶细胞。

    They acted like an invisibility cloak that hid the viruses from the immune system , protected them from harsh environments including stomach acid , and helped them overwhelm their target cells in the intestines3 .

  2. 但它隐藏了起来,宇宙用终极隐形斗篷把它遮掩了起来。

    But it 's hidden from us , the universe has cloaked it in the ultimate invisibility cloak .

  3. 特别是隐形斗篷对内部辐射的抑制作用有可能受到此偏差的严重影响。

    Particularly , the suppression of the inner radiation may be strongly affected by this deviation .

  4. 德国科学家近日研制出一种通过弯曲光线来隐藏物体的三维“隐形斗篷”。

    German scientists have created a three-dimensional " invisibility cloak " that can hide objects by bending light waves .

  5. 并结合细长目标的实际应用,设计出椭圆截面相位补偿隐形斗篷。

    Together with the application of long and thin objects , the complementary cloak of elliptic cross section is designed .

  6. 现在由英国科学家研制,有了一种新型材料可以用作生产《哈利波特》的那种隐形斗篷。

    A new material that could be used to create a real-life Harry Potter-style'invisibility cloak'has been designed by British scientists .

  7. 而美智子皇后则坦言,她有时倒会突发奇想,希望能有一顶隐形斗篷。

    Empress Michiko , meanwhile , admitted that she has sometimes wondered what it would be like to have a cloak of invisibility .

  8. 据英国《每日邮报》报道,一位美国德克萨斯大学的物理学家成功研制出了《哈利波特》故事里面的“隐形斗篷”。

    A physicist at the University of Texas Dallas has successfully created the elusive invisibility cloak immortalized in the pages of Harry Potter .

  9. 虽然人们已开始尝试创造隐形斗篷,但研究表明,人们努力的方向仅限于制造出在特定背景下才会发挥作用的隐形斗篷。

    Attempts have already been made to create invisibility cloaks but research shows that efforts are limited because any cloak would only work within certain backgrounds .

  10. 英国研究人员已成功证实,通过制造一种弹性薄膜,人类有望在现实生活中还原哈利波特的隐形斗篷。

    Researchers in the UK have shown it 's possible to make a flexible film that could one day be used to make a real-life invisibility cloak .

  11. 哈利脱掉了隐形斗篷,轻蔑地看着他所憎恨的男人,斯内普看见了他,黑色的眼睛睁得大大的,像是要跟他说话。

    Harry took off the Invisibility Cloak and looked down upon the man he hated , whose widening black eyes found Harry as he tried to speak .

  12. 埃尔金及其同事在研究中使用了一种光子晶体来制造隐形斗篷。这种光子晶体的结构看上去像成堆的木头。

    In their study , Ergin and his colleagues used photonic crystals with a structure that looks like piles of wood to make an invisibility device , or cloak .

  13. 很多人都梦想有件哈利波特那样的隐形斗篷,这不,三名来自南京航空航天大学光学专业的毕业生让这一梦想成为现实。

    Many people daydream of an invisibility cloak like Harry Potter ` s and three graduate students in optics from Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics have actually invented one .

  14. 德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院的研究人员托尔加·埃尔金说:“目前,这种隐形斗篷只是光学领域一个‘惊艳’的开始,让人们知道转换光学可以做些什么。”

    For now these ... cloaking devices are just a beautiful and exciting benchmark to show what transformation optics can do , said Tolga Ergin of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology .

  15. 哈里波特小说最后一册被密封在箱子中,如同被隐形斗篷罩住一般,没有人能知道哈里波特是生是死。

    The answer to whether Harry Potter lives or dies lies in a stack of ( 1 ) sealed boxes , shrouded ( 2 ) as if hidden beneath an invisibility cloak .

  16. 数值分析了圆形截面、椭圆截面和正方形截面的电磁隐形斗篷,最后推导出一般截面电磁隐形斗篷的通用公式。

    Then the invisibility cloaks of circular , elliptic and square cross section are simulated respectively . At last the general formulas for invisibility cloaks of arbitrary cross section is derived . 4 .

  17. 研究人员使用隐形斗篷来掩盖黄金表面的一个小凸起,其原理就如同将一个小物体隐藏在地毯下,然后再使这个凸起和地毯都隐形。

    They used the cloak to conceal a small bump on a gold surface -- a bit like hiding a small object underneath a carpet and then making both the bump and the carpet invisible .

  18. 我们许多的工作都在飞船上被完成,穿着隐形的斗篷,这种必要性不仅是为了我们也是为了保护你们的安全。

    Much of our work is carried out from craft that are cloaked in invisibility , necessary not just for ours but also your protection .

  19. 埃尔金在接受一个电话采访时说:“这一发明十分令人激动,因为人类一直都想隐形或拥有隐形斗篷。这是我们的首个隐形样本,看来这一技术是可行的。”

    This is very exciting , because mankind has always thought about being invisible or having invisibility cloaks , Ergin told the reporters in a telephone interview . " This is the first proof of principle . It shows that the technique works . "

  20. 通过相位补偿和坐标变换理论,详细分析了能使斗篷外的目标实现隐形的圆形截面相位补偿隐形斗篷。

    Using the theory of the phase compensation and coordinate transformation , the complementary cloak of circular cross section which can hide an object within a distance outside the cloak is analysed detailedly .