
  • 网络Documentary;documentary photography;Photojournalism
  1. 而新闻摄影、纪实摄影却是和摄影特技格格不入的。

    However , news photography , documentary photography is and photography stunt antipathetic .

  2. 中国纪实摄影发展具有本土特色和民族特点。

    Chinese documentary photography is developing with the local special features and national personalities .

  3. 中国20世纪未以来的纪实摄影研究

    Documentary Photograghy in China Since the End of the 20th Century

  4. 纪实摄影的本质内涵、本土特色和未来发展

    Essence , local features and development of documentary photography

  5. 纪实摄影是随着社会发展和时代变化其外延不断扩大,内涵逐渐丰富的开放系统。

    Documentary photography is an open system , changing with times and social development and expansion .

  6. 问:纪实摄影目前在中国是一种什么状态,感兴趣的人多吗?

    Q. What is the state of documentary photography now in China ? How widespread is the appreciation of it ?

  7. 进一步指出纪实摄影和观念摄影在结合中国本土经验和叙事过程中的主要特征及存在的问题。

    It also points out their main characters and problems in revealing the themes when they are introduced into China .

  8. 也就是说,当代纪实摄影艺术,正在完善中。

    Rather than the end of photography , we are now encountering its various outcomes in the advancing age of globalization .

  9. 作为一个动态的、开放的系统,不变的是纪实摄影主旨即现实主义精神理念。

    As a dynamic and open development system , consistency is the spirit concept of documentary photography , namely , realism .

  10. 贾尔斯的做法是植根于美国社会纪实摄影的传统埃格尔斯顿从威廉-斯蒂芬岸。

    Giles 's practice is embedded in the American photographic tradition of social documentary – from William Eggleston to Stephen Shore .

  11. 这样的风格在后一个主题中显得更为明显,也是特雷斯放弃新闻纪实摄影之前的最后一个指派任务。

    This becomes even more obvious in the next documentary project , the last Tress undertook before abandoning the field of photo-journalism .

  12. 纪实摄影在这种以视觉传达为主的传播方式中起到了举足轻重的作用,同时还以画报为载体蓬勃发展。

    The documentary photography plays an important role in this mode of transmission basing on visual communication , and prospers itself in pictorials .

  13. 他们对摄影业的现状和方式提出了质疑,试图通过新闻报道和当代艺术摄影的方式探索出一种纪实摄影的中间风格。

    They question the way of photographing reality , exploring an in between style of documentary photography through journalism and contemporary art photography .

  14. 打破框定、深化认识,是中国纪实摄影取得更高层次发展有待突破的环节。

    To break up the fixed and to deepen the knowledge are the phases for Chinese documentary photography to acknowledge a higher development .

  15. 纪实摄影是在用图片公正的写社会史和人类心灵史,这个就是目前最大的意义。

    Documentary photography is with the picture in the social history and human justice write History of the Soul , this is the biggest significance .

  16. 但这又不是传统意义上的纪实摄影,因为它们对技术的兴趣往往和艺术家的观念密切相关。

    Yet nor is this documentary photography in the traditional sense , because the interest in technique is usually intimately interlinked with the artist 's conceptual thinking .

  17. 今年,他又荣获候登科纪实摄影奖、并被评为2011年大理国际摄影节的最佳新摄影师。

    This year he was recently awarded the Hou Dengke documentary photography prize , as well as voted best new photographer at the Dali International Photography Festival ( 2011 ) .

  18. 而纪实摄影作为公益广告的一种表现形式,具有其他表现形式所不具有的特点,能够使公益广告达到更加良好的效果。

    The documentary photography as a form of public service ads , with other manifestations do not have the characteristics that enable public service ads to achieve a better effect .

  19. 新纪实摄影作品中我们不仅能感受到摄影师对生活与真实的独特理解,更多的是使人感受心灵的真实与单纯的美。

    In new documentary photography works , not only can we feel the photographers ' unique understanding towards life and truth , but also the real soul and the pure beauty .

  20. 在改革开放刚启动的1979年,刘博智便不顾一切后果“潜入”当时依然处处严控海外人士的中国大陆,进行根本不被允许的纪实摄影。

    In1979-the early days of China 's Reform and Open Policy-disregarding whatever consequences , he sneaked into " the forbidden realm ," the then foreigner-unfriendly China to do his documentary work .

  21. 今天,他出手的这个《重现》系列,已经完全脱离传统纪实摄影的框架,集摄影与行为艺术于一体了。

    Today , his new series , Reenactment , represents a complete break-away from the restraints of traditional documentary photography , embracing photography and performance art in one body of work .

  22. 名为《关于一次被拆的暴力事件》如果单独拿出其中的一张照片,只能作为普通的纪实摄影来看待。

    One of the pictures only can be considered as a common documentary photography , but when the two pictures are put together , it will be a piece of works focusing on issue .

  23. 本论文认为,纪实摄影虽只是对现实生活中平凡生活场景的复制,但这种平凡的场景在纪实摄影家独特的取景构图之后,呈现出了不平凡的意义。

    Documentary photography is only of real life scenes of ordinary life to copy , but the extraordinary scenes in the documentary photographers after a unique composition of the viewfinder , showing an extraordinary significance .

  24. 纪实摄影也可被称为人文摄影或严肃摄影,它所关注的是普通大众有苦难也有幸福的普通生活。

    Documentary photography can also be referred to as the " humanistic photography " or " serious photography " . It is concerned at the general public , there is also the well-being of the suffering of ordinary life .

  25. 纪实摄影是摄影家利用照相机的特殊的光化原理对视觉现场所做的复制,因此上一些评论家认为纪实摄影不具有图画艺术的形式审美。

    Documentary photography is a photographic camera to take advantage of the special principle of photochemical done on a copy of the visual scene , so some critics have argued that documentary photography is not the form of picture art aesthetic .

  26. 第四部分则是对当前城市题材的纪实摄影发展进步的原因进行了逐条分析,从主要原因、根本原因、主要影响因素等加以剖析。

    The fourth part is the cause of the current theme of documentary photography progressive development of the city were analyzed one by one , to be parsed from the main reason for the root causes , the main influencing factors .

  27. 纪实摄影是现实主义精神内核与现实主义方法相结合的摄影形式,纪实摄影是以实证主义思想为认识论基础的现实主义的进一步发展,是一种客观记录加主观选择的工作方式。

    Documentary photography is a realistic visual style . Documentary photography is the combination of realism spirits and realism methods , Documentary photography is a positivist epistemological thinking based on the further development of realism . and it is also an objective record of the work plus the subjective choice .

  28. 第一部分主要是从国内外以城市为题材的纪实摄影发展状况入手,着重探讨了中国纪实摄影的出现、发展状况,并梳理出城市为题材的纪实摄影呈现的特点和功能。

    The first part is mainly from the domestic to the city as a theme to start development of documentary photography , focuses on the emergence , development of Chinese documentary photography , and tease out the features and functions of the city as a theme presented in documentary photography .

  29. 纪实美是摄影艺术独具的美学品格。但是,纪实性只是艺术创作的手段和方法。

    Although the uniqueness of photographic art lies in its scene of reality , mirroring the reality is at most the means of artistic creation .