
  • 网络News & Events;News and Events;EVENTS;News event
  1. 新的基于综合特征的新闻事件分割方法

    New method for news events segmentation based on multiple features

  2. 讲些故事,没有明显的新闻事件是件难事。

    Telling some stories without obvious news events is tough to do .

  3. 谋杀案是重大新闻事件。

    A murder was big news

  4. 一家清一色由女性组成的市场调查公司成立了,其目的是调查女性对于重大新闻事件的看法。

    A new all-woman market research company has been set up to find out what women think about major news and issues .

  5. 初始化类中心的增量K均值法及其在新闻事件探测中的应用

    Incremental K-means Method Based on Initialisation of Cluster Centers and Its Application in News Event Detection

  6. 文章以图形-背景分离(figure/groundsegregation)为基础,分析了同一新闻事件下不同报道标题中所体现的图形和背景关系,并指出标题中各要素不同程度的突显。

    Based on figure / ground segregation , this thesis tries to interpret different headlines with the same news source by analyzing the figure-ground relation and finding out different degrees of prominence conferred on participants .

  7. 此前一天,NBC开始调查威廉姆斯,以及他对伊拉克、卡特里娜飓风和其他认为有必要进行核查的新闻事件的报道。

    A day earlier , NBC started an investigation into Williams and his reporting about Iraq , Hurricane Katrina and any other news event that it deemed necessary to review .

  8. 孟买袭击事件被形容为印度的911事件,它为这波新的媒体浪潮提供了一次来自第一线的全球新闻事件,这还是1999年印度与巴基斯坦卡吉尔战争(KargilWar)后的首次。

    The attacks on Mumbai , which are being described as India 's 9 / 11 , provided this new wave of media with its first frontline global news event since the Kargil War between India and Pakistan in 1999 .

  9. 研究还发现,尽管很多人都说社交媒体正在成为发现和讨论新闻事件的平台,但多数人表示,他们是通过电视和广播得知了NSA泄密的消息,而Facebook和Twitter成为消息来源的可能性最小。

    The study also found that for all the discussion of social media becoming the place where people find and discuss news , most people said they got information about the N.S.A. revelations from TV and radio , while Facebook and Twitter were the least likely to be news sources .

  10. 描述:“国际水资源法计划”(IWLP)网站提供了国际水资源法和政策的有关信息,尤其是条约、文献、新闻事件、判例法、网站链接等。

    International Water Law Project ( IWLP ) website provides international water law and policy relevant information , especially treaties , literature , news and events , case law , website links .

  11. 公共关系对新闻事件策划的介入方式及其动因分析

    The Analysis of Ways and Motivations for Public Relations in News Planning

  12. 随着新闻事件发展,我们想知道接下来发生了什么。

    As stories develop , we want to know how they continue .

  13. 他们也喜欢对新闻事件发展的走向施加广泛影响。

    They also like to wield broad influence on how that news unfolds .

  14. 而在新闻事件中,上面提到的可信度又是怎么被衡量的?

    How is this credibility conveyed in the coverage of a news event ?

  15. 灾难性新闻事件中媒体传播策略研究

    The Study of Media Strategies in Disaster News Events

  16. 这些发现是具有局限性的,因为研究人员只研究了一个新闻事件。

    These findings are limited because the researchers studied a single news event .

  17. 通过这种新的形式更好的对新闻事件加以引导,解释。

    The new technique mode gives a better guidance and explanation to the News .

  18. 2005年影响中国玩具行业的10大新闻事件

    10 events affecting China toy industry in 2005

  19. 而今年美国最大的一件新闻事件还尚未发生。

    One of the biggest U.S. news stories of the year hasn 't happened yet .

  20. 一场声势浩大的新闻事件策划&浅析《金沙》的推广宣传策略

    The Scheme of a Huge News Event & On promotional strategy of " Jinsha "

  21. 重大新闻事件报道对打造媒体影响力的启示&以湖南卫视为例

    Enlightenment for Media Gaining Influence from News-reporting on Great Incident & Example as Hunan Satellite TV

  22. 新闻事件策划是新闻策划的重要组成部分。

    The scheming of news events is the main component of the activity of scheming news .

  23. 不过,包括埃博拉疫情爆发在内的一些意外的新闻事件也是造成价格上涨的原因之一。

    But some surprising news events have a hand in the price , including the Ebola outbreak .

  24. 与传统媒体相比,在新闻事件的播报和传播上,微博更加及时高效。

    Compared to traditional media , micro-blog more timely and efficient on the news broadcasting and spreading .

  25. 艺术经纬:您也比较关心这种像什么新闻事件,或者是?

    Editor : You also pay attention to news and events , or like this , are you ?

  26. 刘长乐也为自己允许手下记者在报道重大新闻事件时挑战极限而自豪。

    Mr Liu also prides himself in having allowed reporters to push the envelope on important news events .

  27. 在接二连三的社会热点事件中,微博俨然成为新闻事件的推波助澜者。

    In the barrage of social hot issues , micro blog has become the participants of news events .

  28. 消息被放在新闻事件列表尾端,几乎没给出细节信息。

    The news was dropped at the end of the press event , and few details were given .

  29. 这种计算机化交易利用了从新闻事件发生到它们对市场产生影响之间的毫秒之差。

    This type of computerised dealing exploits the millisecond gaps between news events and their impact on the markets .

  30. 突发性新闻事件的报道,日趋受到各大媒体的重视。

    Day after day , it draws more and more attention of various media to report the breaking news .