
xīn shí qī
  • the new period
新时期[xīn shí qī]
  1. TD-SCDMA物理层设计,已成为新时期TD-SCDMA系统进步的发展方向。

    Design of physical layer in TD-SCDMA system , has become a basic direction of development in the New Period .

  2. 新时期修编土地利用规划的思考

    Thoughts on editing of land use planning in the new period

  3. 这一协议标志着国际关系新时期的到来。

    The agreement marks a new phase in international relations .

  4. 新华社报道,本周三上午中国将就新时期的国防问题发布一份白皮书。

    China will issue a white paper on Chinese national defense in the new era on Wednesday morning , according to Xinhua News Agency .

  5. 研究结果证明,创建的基于GIS的土地利用总体规划数据库系统是提高新时期下土地利用总体规划的科学性和时效性的一种新的、有效的工具。

    The results suggest that the comprehensive land use planning database system is a new effective tool to improve the scientificalness and timeliness of the comprehensive land use planning .

  6. 进入70年代以后,微型计算机的普遍推广应用,特别是FFT算法的引入,使得振动测试分析技术进入了新时期。

    After coming into 70 's , microcomputers have been used more and more popular , especially FFT algorithm introduced , which made vibration testing and analysis technique enter a new stage .

  7. 以新时期军人工资形成机制建立的探讨

    The forming mechanism of wage of armyman in the new period

  8. 新时期工业题材小说主题论

    An Analysis of the Theme of Industry-subjected in the New Age

  9. 新时期冯至诗歌研究综述

    A Comprehensive Study of Feng Zhi 's Poems in New Era

  10. 新时期大学生诚信问题:现状、原因及对策研究

    Credibility Issues about Current Students : Condition , Causes and Suggestions

  11. 新时期社论改革探析

    A Research On the Reform of Editorial in the New Era

  12. 新时期师范院校通识教育探析

    On General Education at Teachers Colleges in a New Historical Period

  13. 新时期小说中的狼形象探析

    The Analysis of the Wolf Image in the New Era Novels

  14. 新时期语法变异现象研究述评

    A Review of Studies on Grammatical Variation in the New Period

  15. 新时期农业广播电视教育发展之我见

    On Developing Agricultural Radio and TV Education in the New Stage

  16. 新时期论建设我国社会主义政治文明

    On Building our Country 's Socialist Political Civilization in New Period

  17. 高校图书馆与新时期教育改革

    Library of Higher Learning and Education Reform in the New Era

  18. 集体主义的内涵与新时期的要求

    The Connotation of Collectivism and Its Requirements in a New Period

  19. 新时期对传统晋升职能的重新探讨

    The restudy on traditional function of promotion during the new time

  20. 新时期我国环境教育探究

    Research of Environmental Education in Our Country in the New Period

  21. 新时期土地市场建设中的几个问题

    Several Questions of the Land Market Construction in the New Times

  22. 新时期我国职业教育发展若干问题的理性思考

    Rational Thoughts on Problems of the New Era Chinese Vocational Education

  23. 新时期图书馆员综合素质的培养

    The Cultivation of the Comprehensive Quality for Librarians in New Era

  24. 反思新时期我国城市发展的几个问题

    The Rethinking of Chinese Urban Development Issues in the New Era

  25. 新时期加强与改革刑侦工作的思考

    Consideration on Strengthening and Reform of Criminal Investigation in New Era

  26. 新时期中国医疗保障制度改革的回顾和思考

    Review and thinking on the medical security reform in new China

  27. 略论新时期中学政治教师的素质

    Quality of Political Teacher of Middle School of New Period

  28. 新时期小说的叙事演变及其文学史意义

    New-Period Novel 's Narrative Evolution and its Significance in Literature

  29. 新时期中国人口政策研究综述

    The Summary on China Population Policy in the New Period

  30. 新时期党内监督的回顾与思考

    Review and Thinking of the Supervision in the Party in New Times