
tiě lù ɡōnɡ chénɡ shī
  • railway engineer
  1. 作为一个铁路工程师的女儿,她最初的童年生活有些漂泊不定。

    The daughter of a railway engineer , she at first had a somewhat nomadic childhood .

  2. 斯泰普森成了世界一流的铁路工程师。

    Stephenson became the C.leading railway engineer in the world .

  3. 杜鲁门借题发挥说他不理解铁路工程师和诸如此类的美国工薪阶层。

    Truman said this proved that Dewey did not understand the problems of railroad engineers and other working Americans .

  4. 韩素音1917年出生于北京。她父亲是中国铁路工程师,母亲是位荷兰女子。

    Han Suyin was born in Beijing in1917.her father was a Chinese railway engineer and her mother a Dutch lady .

  5. 某天,杜为参加竞选活动乘坐的火车迟到了从而耽误了演讲,杜为因此而冲一位铁路工程师发火。

    One day , Dewey got angry at a railroad engineer because his campaign train was late for a speech .

  6. 这一失误提醒铁路工程师们将信号灯颜色的选择改为红灯停,绿灯行,黄灯请注意。

    This failure prompted the railroad engineers to alter their color selections to red for stop , green for go , and yellow for caution .

  7. 一个很贴切的例子就是开火车的铁路机车工程师。

    An excellent example is the railroad locomotive engineer who operates a train .

  8. 他是一条铁路的工程师,该铁路筑于山里,有许多桥梁和隧道。

    He was the engineer of a railroad in the mountai with many bridges and tu els .

  9. 某城市下沉隧道施工对地铁隧道的影响分析他是一条铁路的工程师,该铁路筑于山里,有许多桥梁和隧道。

    Analysis for Influence of a Road Subway Construction on Metro Tunnel in Service He was the engineer of a railroad in the mountai with many bridges and tu els .

  10. 毫无疑问你将被任命为那条铁路的总工程师。

    It is out of question that you will be appointed Chief Engineer of the railway .

  11. 修建英国第一条铁路的英国工程师乔治·斯蒂芬森在德比郡逝世。

    1848 George Stephenson . English engineer , who constructed the first railway in England , died in Derbyshire .

  12. 在一份声明中,美国铁路公司表示工程师们实时监控温度,当内部实际温度超过120度就会出于安全考虑实施速度限制。

    In a statement , Amtrak says engineers monitor track temperatures in real time , in its speed restriction are implementing for safety when internal real temperature exceeded 120 degrees .

  13. 在印度,爱德华平步青云,攒下一笔非常可观的财富,成为马德拉斯铁路的首席工程师,负责建设唐各布达拉桥,还发明斯托尼无声涡轮。爱德华头脑精明,脾气却很糟糕。

    There he amassed a considerable fortune , becoming chief engineer of the Madras and Southern Mahratta Railway , responsible for the construction of the Tangabudra bridge , and the invention of Stoney 's Patent Silent Punkah-Wheel .