
  1. 为了提高Dijkstra算法对铁路货物运价里程计算的有效性,提出了一种铁路网络及相关信息的动态数据结构。

    In order to raise effectiveness of using Dijkstra algorithm to compute railway freight rate distance , a dynamic data structure of railway network and relative information is proposed in this paper .

  2. 铁路货物运价是它本身价值的货币表现形式。

    Railway freight is the expression form of money of its own value .

  3. 关于铁路货物运价改革的思考

    Reflections upon the Reform of Railway Freight Transport Price

  4. 铁路货物运价的沿革和发展

    The Historical Changes and Development of Railway Freight Rate

  5. 用最小费用最大流理论确定铁路货物运价问题的研究

    Research on Making of Railway Transport Price Using Theory of Minimum Cost Maximum Amount

  6. 铁路货物运价如何适应社会主义市场经济

    How Railway Freight Adapts to Socialist Market Economy

  7. 因此,铁路货物运价要适应市场经济,而不是进入市场机制;

    Therefore , railway freight should adapt to market economy instead of entering market mechanism .

  8. 价格是市场营销组合的重要因素,铁路货物运价制度运用得当与否直接关系着吸引运量的多少和铁路运输企业利润的高低,并影响着运输市场营销组合的其它因素。

    Price is important factor of marketing combination . How to apply the price system of railway freight transport directly decides the attracted transport volume and the profit of the railway transport enterprise , also affects other factors of marketing combination .