
  • 网络ferroresonance;ferroresonant
  1. 氧化锌避雷器在基波PT铁磁谐振下的工况分析

    Analysis of Working Circumstances of Metal-Oxide Arresters under Fundamental Frequency PT Ferroresonance

  2. 基于DSP的配电网PT铁磁谐振监测及抑制装置的研究

    Research on Monitoring and Suppression Devices of PT Ferroresonance Based on DSP in the Distribution Network

  3. 用Gear方法计算电力系统的铁磁谐振过电压

    The Calculation of Ferroresonance Overvoltage in the Electrical Power System by Gear Method

  4. 中压电网铁磁谐振及TV高压保险熔断分析与抑制措施

    Analysis and preventive measures study on ferromagnetic resonance and TV high voltage fuse breaking in MV network

  5. 基于MATLAB的PT铁磁谐振数字仿真分析

    Digital Simulation Analysis of Ferroresonance of Electromagnetic Potential Transformer Based on MATLAB

  6. 配电系统PT引起的铁磁谐振及抑制新方法

    PT Resonance in Disribution Systems and a New Suppression Method

  7. PT铁磁谐振分析及微机消谐装置的应用

    PT ferromagnetic resonance analysis and microprocessor resonance eliminator application

  8. 电磁式PT所致铁磁谐振过电压分析及抑制

    Analysis of Ferroresonant Overvoltage due to Electromagnetic PT

  9. 基于变压器铁磁谐振逆变器的UPS在厂用系统中的应用

    The Use of UPS Based on Transformer Ferroresonance Inverters to Auxiliary Power System

  10. 电容电压初值对CVT铁磁谐振影响的仿真研究

    Simulation research on influence of initial capacitor voltage value on CVT ferroresonance

  11. 本文讨论氧化锌避雷器在基波PT铁磁谐振过电压下的工作状况。

    The working circumstances of metal - oxide arresters under fundamental frequency PT ferroresonance are discussed in this paper .

  12. 并联铁磁谐振电路的Volterra级数分析法

    Analysis of Parallel Connection Ferroresonance Circuit Using Volterra Series

  13. 10kV电网TV铁磁谐振过电压数字仿真及研究

    The Digital Simulation and Study of TV Ferroresonance Over Voltage in 10 kV Power Network

  14. CVT高压熔断器;熔断;铁磁谐振;饱和;分析。

    CVT high voltage fuse ; blow ; ferromagnetic resonance ; saturation ; analysis .

  15. 在中性点不接地电网中,由于电磁式电压互感器(以下简称PT)饱和而引起的铁磁谐振是出现最频繁、造成事故最多的一种内过电压。

    In ungrounded systems , PT saturation result in ferroresonance is a appear frequently and work accident sort of inner overvoltage .

  16. 由于母线PT励磁特性的非线性,铁磁谐振频繁发生在中性点接地变电站的空母线上。

    Ferroresonance due to the saturation of PT magnetizing characteristics is frequently reported to happen on the busbars of neutral grounded substations .

  17. 在铁磁谐振可能发生之前,同时将数个并联的电阻投入PT二次星形侧;

    Before ferroresonance is likely to happen , several resistors in parallel are simultaneously switched into the wye secondary circuit of the PT .

  18. HHT在铁磁谐振过电压辨识中应用

    Application of HHT to ferroresonance over-voltage recognition

  19. 电磁式电压互感器PT是产生铁磁谐振的重要元件之一,PT参数对于是否产生谐振以及谐振的性质有重要的影响。

    PT is the important component of producing ferroresonance , the parameter of PT has the important influence on the ferroresonance and its character .

  20. 分别对中性点直接接地系统和不直接接地系统的铁磁谐振现象进行分析,从理论上证明了PT的铁损对铁磁谐振的阻尼作用。

    Based on equivalent model of PT , this paper analyzes the reduced equivalent circuits to the power system with earthed and non-earthed neutral respectively .

  21. 在中低压电网中,PT断线、单相接地及由PT饱和引起的铁磁谐振均是多发性的故障,这些故障都能使电压异常。

    PT breaking and ferro-resonance caused by single-phase grounding and PT saturation are common faults in medium-low voltage power networks , which make voltage abnormal .

  22. 本文在传统的微机型消谐器的基础上,设计出了一种基于DSP的配电网PT铁磁谐振监测及抑制保护一体化装置。

    In this paper , basing on the traditional computer-based harmonic elimination device , design a DSP-based distribution network ferroresonance PT monitoring and suppression to protect the integration of devices .

  23. 由于在ATP程序中没有专门的PT模型,因此对于PT的模型和参数的选取,是正确分析铁磁谐振过电压的关键。

    Because there is no specially model of PT in ATP , the model and the parameter of the PT are the key to analyse the ferroresonance overvoltage .

  24. 通过三相PT对称和不对称两种情况下的计算,得到互感器三相励磁特性对铁磁谐振的影响。

    Through the simulations of three phases under the conditions of PT symmetric and asymmetric , the effect of excitation characteristics of three phases ′ PT on ferroresonance is concluded .

  25. 变电站6~10kV系统铁磁谐振及消除办法

    Discussion on Ferroresonance and Removing Way of Substation 6 ~ 10 kV System

  26. PT谐振大多数发生在中性点不直接接地的配电网中,由电磁式电压互感器饱和引起,电磁式电压互感器的非线性特性是铁磁谐振产生的根源。

    PT resonance occurs in the neutral point ungrounded system of electric distribution network frequently . The root cause of PT resonance is the nonlinear characteristics of the electromagnetic voltage transformer .

  27. 10kV配电网络产生铁磁谐振的原因及予防措施

    The Cause Precautionary Measures of the Iron Magnetism Resonance Generated in 10 kV Distribution Network

  28. 基于ATP-EMTP对中性点直接接地系统铁磁谐振的仿真和消谐措施研究

    Simulation and resonance-erasing measurement for ferroresonance of neutral grounding system based on ATP-EMTP

  29. 6~35kV配电网铁磁谐振对策初探

    Superficial Discussion on Countermeasures of Removing Ferromagnetic Resonance in 6 ~ 35 kV Distribution Network

  30. 本文就中性点非直接接地系统中电磁式PT引起的谐振过电压现象进行分析并确定其铁磁谐振过电压的性质,由此采取措施防止并消除谐振。

    This article focuses on resonance overvoltage phenomenon caused by electromagnetic PT in neutral-point indirect earthing system . It also analyses ferroresonant overvoltage character , as well as some steps to prevent or eliminate resonance .