
  • 网络railway tunnel work
  1. 地质雷达(SIR-20)在温福铁路隧道工程检测中的应用

    Application of Ground Penetrating Radar ( SIR-20 System ) in Quality Detection of Tunnel Engineering on Wenzhou-Fuzhou Railway

  2. 新型防水材料在铁路隧道工程中的应用探讨

    The Discussion of New Waterproof Materials Using in Railway Tunnel Engineering

  3. 音频大地电磁在铁路隧道工程勘察中的应用

    Application of Audio Magnetotelluric in Geological Engineering Exploration of Railway Tunnel

  4. 新编《铁路隧道工程预算定额》的分析和研究

    Analysis and study of the newly prepared Budget Rating of Railway Tunneling

  5. 大丽线铁路隧道工程地应力三维有限元数值模拟分析

    Three-dimensional finite element numerical simulation of geo-stress in Da-Li Railway tunnel of Yunnan

  6. 台湾地区隧道开炸技术之演进&以北回铁路隧道工程为例

    Development of Drill - blasting Technology in Taiwan Tunneling

  7. 中国铁路隧道工程地质的发展

    Development of railway tunnel engineering geology in China

  8. 关于铁路隧道工程支护体系计价的思考

    Concept on payment for railway tunneling support system

  9. 水压致裂地应力测试方法在云南大理&丽江铁路隧道工程中的应用

    Application of hydraulic fracturing in-situ stress measurements in tunneling along the Dali-Lijiang Railway , Yunnan , China

  10. 本文结合某铁路隧道工程实际,系统地研究了隧道爆破施工对周围建(构)筑物损伤及其危害控制。

    This paper , based on a practical engineering example , made a systematic research on the effects of tunnel blasting on surrounding buildings and corresponding hazard control measures .

  11. 铁路隧道工程建设中的不安全因素及危险源众多,涉及面广,各因素交叉,层次复杂,对其监管不力往往导致安全事故的发生,造成重大的经济损失和负面的社会影响。

    Myriads of unsafe factors and dangerous sources in railway tunnel construction , which are complex and influence each other , lead to safety accidents frequently and cause significant economic losses and negative social impact .

  12. 公众移动通信系统铁路隧道覆盖工程建设方案探讨

    Discussion on Coverage Project of Public Mobile Communication System in Railway Tunnels

  13. 铁路隧道照明工程设计

    The Lighting Design of Railway Tunnel

  14. 随着西部大开发和东北老工业基地振兴,修建大量基础设施势在必行,诸如公路、铁路及隧道工程等。

    With the economic development in Western China and old industrial base in Northeast China , many infrastructures , such as railway , highway and tunnel , are being constructed .

  15. 岩爆涉及到矿山开发、水电工程、铁路公路隧道工程等多个工程领域,造成了重大的人员伤亡和经济损失,已成为工业安全领域的主要灾害。

    The rockburst problems involving multi-fields such as mine exploitation , hydropower project , tunnel projects of railway and roadway and so on . It causes serious economic losses and casualties every year , and becomes a major disaster in the field of industrial safety .

  16. 铁路隧道的主要工程地质问题与施工对策

    The main engineering geology problems and the Construction Countermeasures of the railway tunnel

  17. 此文就某铁路工程的隧道工程施工用电,利用综合系数法、综合用电指标法等分别进行计算分析,并且通过对计算结果的比较,给出推荐模式。

    Based on the electricity consumption for the tunneling construction of a certain railway project , this paper conducts calculation and analysis of it with the synthetic factor method and composite index method of electricity consumption . Comparison of calculation results is made before the recommended mode is given .

  18. 龙厦铁路象山特长隧道主要工程地质问题研究

    A Study on Principal Engineering Geological Problems in Xiangshan Super Long Tunnel on Longyan-Xiamen Railway