
  • 网络photo essay
  1. 在本期专题摄影报道中,世卫组织选出了2007年值得注意的卫生问题进行介绍。

    In this photo essay , WHO presents a selection of notable health issues in2007 .

  2. 本专题摄影报道显示了洪水在加纳和多哥的一些影响,以及由世卫组织和世卫组织西非区域办事处协调并由挪威支持的卫生服务恢复行动。

    This photo essay shows some of the flood 's effects in Ghana and Togo , and health service recovery operations coordinated by WHO and the WHO Regional Office for Africa , and supported by Norway .

  3. 专题肖像系列摄影相对于普通肖像具有更强的叙事能力,广泛应用于各种摄影实践。

    Special series of portrait photography , having stronger narrative ability in comparison to ordinary portraits photography , is widely applied in all kinds of photographic practice .