
  1. 基于DSP和IPM技术的平网印花机印花单元专用变频器的设计

    The special inverter design of flat printing unit based on DSP and IPM

  2. 老式浆染联合机采用PLC和张力控制专用变频器改造后,提高了机电一体化水平,实现了车头牵引、卷绕的自动控制及恒张力卷绕,避免了崩纱浪纱故障。

    Modification of conventional sizing dyeing machines with PLC and tension inverter controller improves mech-electronical level , and auto pulling and winding are gained as well as constant winding as a result of reducing the problem of yarn breakage and yarn billow .

  3. 介绍了使用艾默生TD3300张力专用变频器和TD2000通用变频器,为大连黄海铝加工厂铝箔生产线进行改造的方案。

    Using Emerson TD3300 special tensile force inverter and TD2000 general purpose inverter to upgrade aluminum foil production line is introduced .

  4. 论文通过对张力控制变频收卷原理的分析,设计出了一套张力控制变频收卷装置,其中收卷电机与放卷电机分别由一台张力控制专用变频器(艾默生TD3300)控制。

    By analyzing the principle of tension control of conversion rolling-up , the paper designs an equipment of tension control conversion rolling-up . The rolling-up and rolling-back motors are controlled by a tension control converter respectively .

  5. 2300V潜油电泵专用变频器

    Special Converter for 2 300 V Oil - submersible Electric Pump

  6. 用于纺机储纬器的专用变频器的研究

    The Research of Specific Frequency Converter Used in Weft Storage

  7. 基于直接转矩控制的专用变频器的研究

    Research on Special Convertor Based on Direct Torque Control

  8. 空压机专用变频器的研究、实现及性能测试

    The Research , Realization and Performance Test of Special Inverter for Air Compressor

  9. 500kW/380V国产钻机专用变频器的研制与应用

    Development and application of frequency converter especially made for 500kW / 380V domestic drill rig

  10. 本文介绍了风光牌抽油机专用变频器在抽油机节能改造中的应用情况。

    The paper introduces the energy-saving rebuild application of Fengguang specific inverter for oil pump in the control system .

  11. 我国自主开发生产的无编码器永磁同步电机专用变频器近日在苏州通过技术鉴定。

    China 's own development and production of non-coder permanent magnet synchronous motor inverter dedicated recently passed technical appraisal in Xuzhou .

  12. 随着高层建筑日益增多,对高性能电梯的电力拖动系统要求越来越高,电梯专用变频器应运而生。

    Elevator special inverter occurs along with the increases of buildings . It satisfies the demand of electric power drag system used in high performance elevators .

  13. 为了达到电梯专用变频器大转矩、高性能的要求,在硬件上提高系统的实时性、抗干扰性和高精度性;

    In order to reach requirement of bigness torque , highnessperformance of elevator special inverter , the real-time , anti-jamming and highnessprecision of system are improved in hardware .

  14. 采用电机专用数字信号处理器TMS320LF2407A为控制核心,进行相关硬件设计,构成一套电梯专用变频器。

    The elevator special inverter is designed with the core of motor control DSP TMS320LF2407A , combining related hardware .