
  • 网络Dispatching work;scheduled jobs
  1. 电网调度工作需要多个智能体(Agent)来共同协作完成,势必要求电网调度操作票系统具备与其它Agent协作的能力,以减少单一Agent孤立工作带来的诸多不良后果。

    Dispatching operation in power system generally needs several Agents to complete the task , which requests that the Agent possess the ability of cooperation with other Agents .

  2. Spring提供了许多可用于调度工作的TaskExecutor类。

    Spring provides a number of TaskExecutor classes that can be used for scheduling work .

  3. 2002年黄河水量调度工作综述

    Summary of Water Regulation Work of the Yellow River in 2002

  4. 电网调度工作票管理系统的优化设计

    An Optimized Design of Work Sheet Management System for Power Network Dispatching

  5. 职责六:指导及监督生产控制调度工作,保证工厂生产的顺利进行。

    Supervising & guiding the production processing , make sure smooth production .

  6. 浅谈电网调度工作危险点预控

    Discussion on Preventive Control of Dangerous Spot in Power Grid Dispatching Work

  7. 而下层次级调度器负责将分发来的任务进行实际的资源分配及调度工作。

    The low level scheduler executes the resource allocation and task scheduling .

  8. 在无线网络通信中制定了完备的通信协议,主控机调度工作形式。

    A complete communication protocol is defined in the wireless network communication .

  9. 公交运营信息采集是公交调度工作的基础,先进的信息采集技术可为公交信息的获得与处理提供支撑和保障。

    The data collection about bus operation is the base of bus dispatching .

  10. 针对燃气结构变化合理安排调度工作

    Gas Consumption Structure Changing Rational Dispatching to be Needed

  11. 铁路调度工作现状及展望

    Present and Future of Railway Traffic Control System

  12. 驾驶员调度工作,管理及安排的办公车辆的使用。

    Dispatch job to drivers , control and arrange the usage of office vehicles .

  13. 2003年旱情紧急情况下黄河水量调度工作综述

    Summery on Water Regulation of the Yellow River in Emergency of Drought in 2003

  14. 结合本人工作的体会,总结了加强和改善生产调度工作的做法。

    Strengthen and reform of production dispatching work was summarized combining with personal work experiences .

  15. 计算机在铁路编组站调度工作中的应用

    Application of computer-aided dispatching at marshalling yard

  16. 调度工作直接影响电网的安全运行,提高调度工作质量,时避免事故发生具有重要意义。

    It is of great significance for avoiding accidents and boosting the quality of dispatching work .

  17. 电话录音是电力部门进行指挥调度工作的必要环节和控制手段。

    Phone recording is the necessary step and control method for power system when commanding and dispatching .

  18. 希望本文的工作能够对今后省网节能发电调度工作的开展提供参考。

    It is hoped that this paper will provide reference for carrying out ECPGD in provincial power gird in the future .

  19. 铁路工务调度工作如何适应大站段改革的新形势

    How the Railway Engineering Dispatching Work to Meet the Needs of the New Situation of the Reform of the Bigger Stations and Sections

  20. 分析了电网调度工作中误调度、误操作事故发生的原因,提出了有效的预防措施。

    This paper analyzes the reasons of the mis-dispatching and mis-operation accidents occurring in power network dispatching , and advances some effective preventive measures .

  21. 作业线调度工作质量的高低直接影响码头装卸作业的效率,影响集装箱班轮的船期和港口企业的声誉。

    The scheduling quality directly influences the efficiency of container terminal operations , shipping date of container vessels , and reputation of port enterprises .

  22. 因此,唯有成功的展开应急资源配置和调度工作,才会使应急预案的实施产生事半功倍的效果。

    Therefore , only the successful allocation and deployment work of emergency resource , can the implementation of emergency plans make the double efficient .

  23. 该系统在运用工作流管理技术的前提下,除可以在电路调度工作中有很好的表现外,还在其它领域的广泛的范围可以使用,体现了工作流管理技术的优点;

    The system can use in a far-ranging , by the application of workflow administration technology . The system display the advantage of workflow administration technology .

  24. 电网中水电结构的复杂化以及新时期节能减排政策的推行,给调度工作带来了很多现实性的新问题。

    More complicated structure of hydropower system and energy saving policy that is being carried out in thermal system brought new challenges to the practical operation of power girds .

  25. 随着城市对配电网供电质量要求的提高,城市配电网合环操作分析系统在调度工作中的应用,已成为一种必然的趋势。

    The requirements for power supply quality of urban distribution network areincreasing ; it is an inevitable trend applies the loop closing operation analysis systemof city in dispatching work .

  26. 煤矿井下生产物流管理,特别是材料的管理、运输和矿车的使用、调度工作,是煤矿安全生产的重要制约因素。

    Production logistics management in underground mine particularly stuff management , transportation and the use of tub , attemper work , is the significant restriction element of coal mine safe production .

  27. 交互接口理顺了不同部门以及部门上下级之间的协作关系,规范和优化了工作流程,实现了运行调度工作的流程化、自动化和规范化,提高了运维质量。

    The interfaces can straighten the collaboration between the different departments , standard and optimize the workflows , realize the automation and standardization , improve the quality of operation and maintenance .

  28. 以某编组站为例进行模拟计算,结果证明该算法满足编组站进路调度工作的要求。

    An example is given to explain the computing steps and to illustrate the validity of the idea and algorithms that will meet the demand of route scheduling operations in marshalling yards .

  29. 其中包括:改进行车调度工作,调度集中的重要性,以及今后应大力发展调度集中系统.在最后输出作品时,我调整了以下两度,对比度和饱和度。

    The importance of CTC , and the development of the CTC system . At the end of post-production , I decided to adjust the brightness , contrast and saturation of the painting .

  30. 随着江河上兴建的水利工程日渐增多,流域的防洪规划和防洪调度工作,正在从以个别工程为主要研究对象转向以全流域复杂库群为研究对象。

    With more and more water projects have been built , the study focus of flood control planning and dispatching has been diverted from single project to a complex group of reservoirs in whole basin .