
  1. 乙基叔丁基醚(ETBE)是一种性能优良的高辛烷值汽油调和组分。

    Ethyl tert butyl ether ( ETBE ) is a good additive for gasoline with high octane number .

  2. 采用C5/C6烷烃进行异构化反应,可以使直馏汽油等馏分的辛烷值约提高20RON,其产品异构化油也是一种优良的汽油调和组分。

    Isomerization of C5 - / C6 paraffin can increase the octane number of gasoline by about 20 RON , related product is a good blend composition for gasoline .

  3. 不含正构烷烃的吸余油作为优质催化重整原料或高辛烷值清洁汽油的调和组分,正构烷烃质量百分数大于98.2%的脱附油作为乙烯裂解原料。

    The raffinate oil without normal paraffins could be used as quality feedstock of catalytic reforming process or blending component for high-octane clean gasoline . The desorption oil with the normal paraffin content above 98.2 % was used as quality feedstock of ethylene pyrolysis process .

  4. 正构烷烃异构化是生产高辛烷值清洁汽油调和组分异构烷烃的重要手段之一,中/高温异构化工艺由于受热力学平衡的限制,异构化产物的辛烷值较低。

    N-Alkanes with low octane number could be transformed into iso-alkanes with high octane number through isomerization process , which are the satisfying components in gasoline pool . The isomerization process at mediate or high temperature only produced low octane isomers due to the limitation of thermodynamic equilibrium .

  5. 汽油调和组分对成品汽油辛烷值的影响效应十分复杂,与加工原油及参与调和的组分种类等密切相关,无法用统一的数学模型来描述。

    The contribution of blend components to the octane number of blended gasoline are very complicated , which are related to resources of crude oil , categories of feedstock and so on , so there is no uniform octane number blending model being suitable to all gasoline blending in refineries .

  6. 溶剂油以前大多用作调和汽油的组分或一般溶剂,造成了极大浪费。

    190 # solvent oil is often used for blending gasoline or as ordinary solvent , causing great waste .

  7. 目前连三甲苯主要存在于偏三甲苯的副产物溶剂油中,由于纯度较低大多用作调和汽油的组分或用作一般溶剂,造成了资源的很大浪费及较低的经济效益。

    But now , hemimellitene , which is mostly from the solvent oil of by-product of pseudocumene , is often used as a component to gasoline additive or as general solvent for its low purity .