
  • 网络Electrolytic zinc;ZINC INGOT
  1. Pb-Zn合金锌粉用于电解锌净化除钴的研究

    Research on Cobalt Purification of Zinc Electrolysis by Using Pb-Zn Alloy Powder

  2. 在电解锌过程中,若KOH浓度较高,H2O的电解会受到抑制。

    H2O electrolysis will be inhibited if the concentration of KOH is high in the process of zinc electrolysis .

  3. 这一结果为采用胶团强化超滤技术处理电解锌废水时SDS最佳添加量的确定提供了有效的依据。

    This result could be an effective basis for the determination of optimal dosage of SDS in treatment of electrolytic zinc wastewater using MEUF technology .

  4. 电解锌中MnO2的形成机理及其形态对阴极锌质量的影响

    The Formation Mechanism of MnO_2 in Zinc Electrolysis and the Influence of its Structure on the Quality of Zinc Cathode

  5. 其实“达克罗”一词是英文:DACROMET即非电解锌铬酸盐涂层。

    In fact ," Dacromet " is an English name : DACROMET means non-electrolytic zinc chromate coating .

  6. 低银铅钙合金阳极在电解锌中的应用

    Application of Lead-Calcium Alloy with Lower Silver Content in Zinc Electrowinning

  7. 以铜镉渣为原料生产电解锌的制液新工艺

    A new process that producing the zinc of using Cu-Cd slag

  8. 铁氧体法处理电解锌厂生产废水

    Treatment of Effluents of Zinc Electrolysis Plant Using Ferrite Method

  9. 软锰矿与硫精矿直接浸出制备硫酸锰及在电解锌工业上的应用

    Directly Leaching Pyrite Pyrolusite to Prepare MnSO_4 for Zinc Electrolysis

  10. 利用石灰和煤灰渣处理电解锌浸出渣

    Treating the Vitrioled Scoria Leaked From Electrolysis Zinc With Lime Coal Cinder

  11. 涂层钛阳极的研制及在电解锌中的应用

    Development And Application in Electrolytic Zinc of Coated Titanium Anode

  12. 碱浸-电解锌工艺中杂质对锌电积的影响

    Effect of Impurities on Zinc Electrowinning Process in Alkaline Solution

  13. 三菱材料公司月生产电解锌6600t。

    Mitsubishi Materials Corp. produces electrolytic zinc of 6600 tons per month .

  14. 介绍了电解锌生产线工程车间的防腐蚀设计。

    Introduces anticorrosive design of the plant for the electrolytic zinc production line engineering .

  15. 电解锌的SO2阳极反应动力学

    SO_2 anodic reaction kinetics in zinc electrowinning

  16. 水质稳定剂对模拟工业电解锌回水中电化学行为的影响

    Effect of stabilizing agents for water quality on electrochemical behavior in simulated industrial electrolytic zinc reused water

  17. 着重阐述了电解锌生产过程中钙、镁的最佳脱除方法。

    The best process of removing Ca and Mg from zinc electrolysis system is expatiated in detail .

  18. 用常温铁氧体法对山西某电解锌厂废水进行了处理。

    The effluent of a zinc electrolysis plant in Shanxi Province was treated by ambient temperature ferrite process .

  19. 报道了用铵盐法处理含硅、铁高的氧化锌矿制取电解锌的工艺,试验表明,该工艺有流程短、技术条件易于控制、能耗低的优点。

    This paper introduces a new technique for preparation of electrolytic zinc from silicon and iron rich zincite by ammonium salt process .

  20. 针对碱浸-电解锌工艺,系统地研究杂质元素对锌电积过程的影响。

    The effects of impurities on the quality of the metallic zinc powder and the current efficiency in zinc alkaline leaching-electrowinning process are investigated .

  21. 以湘西某电解锌厂的锌电解液为原料,用碳酸钠为沉淀剂,采用直接沉淀法制备纳米氧化锌粉体。

    Nanometer zinc oxide powder has been prepared by direct precipitation method using zinc electrolyte as raw material from a factory in Xiangxi and Na2CO3 as precipitator .

  22. 从分形生长的角度来看主要归结于组成电解锌的粒子在这些因素的作用下如何进行扩散和凝聚。

    It is due to the way of diffusion and aggregation of the " particles " which make up electrolytic zinc in the perspective of fractal growth .

  23. 介绍了葫芦岛有色金属集团公司电解锌厂净化钴渣处理工艺的改进措施及实施的效果。

    This paper describes the improvement measures and implementation results of the process for cleaning cobalt residue from zinc electrolysis plant in Huludao Nonferrous Metal Group Corporation .

  24. 文章介绍了将铜镉渣中的锌浸出、净化后用于电解锌生产的试验研究情况。

    A sketch of experimental tests is described on leaching of zinc from copper / cadinum residue in clarifying process step of electrolytic zinc production and the electrolytic production of zinc using clarified zinc sulfate liquor .

  25. 本文在研究电解锌阳极泥物理化学性质的基础上,开发了浮选-磁选-重选联合选矿技术,实现了锰铅银矿物的分离富集与综合回收。

    In this thesis , a combined beneficiation technology , including flotation , magnetic separation and gravity separation , to realize the separation of manganese , lead and silver , was developed based on the physicochemical property research .

  26. 针对某电解锌厂浸出搅拌效率低、渣含锌高、锌粉消耗高、电耗高等几个问题,介绍了所采取的一系列改造措施。

    The paper presents a series of technical modification measures to cope with low efficiency of leaching and agitation , high zinc in residue , high consumption of zinc dust and high power consumption , etc. in one electrolytic zinc plant ;

  27. 同槽电解生成锌和二氧化锰的研究富锰渣副产含锰生铁中锰的回收利用

    Single cell deposition of zinc and manganese dioxide Mn recovery and utilization in Mn-bearing pig iron of rich-mn-slag by-product

  28. 一种无色水溶性粉末,用作媒染剂,用于保存食物和电解淀积锌。

    A colorless water-soluble powder ; used as a mordant or to preserve wood or for the electrodeposition of zinc .

  29. 锌的电解是锌空气电池循环的首要步骤,也是实现锌储能的关键。

    Zinc electrolysis is the first step of the zinc-air battery cycle system and the key to zinc energy storage .

  30. 因此电解之前锌氨浸出液需要深度净化,锌电解液需要脱除有机物。

    Therefore , the zinc ammoniacal leaching solution should be deeply purified and organics in the electrolyte must be removed before the electrowinning .