
  • 网络Electronics & Electrical Appliances;E&E;Electronics;WEEE
  1. 以计算机和现代网络技术为特征的现代信息技术促进了社会经济的发展,也极大地加快了家用电子电器产品迈向家庭自动化(HomeAutomation)的步伐。

    Modern information technology with computer and network technology not only promotes the development of the economic but also speeds up the development of the home automation system greatly .

  2. 高CTI值改性工程塑料在电子电器中的应用

    Application of High CTI Value Modified Engineering Plastics to Electronic Devices

  3. JTAG是一种重要的调试架构,已被电子电器工程师协会收录并作为集成电路设计标准,被命名为IEEEstd。

    JTAG is a important type of debug architectures , which has been registered as one of IC designing specifications named IEEE Std.

  4. PBT具有优异的机械性能、耐摩擦、耐化学腐蚀以及良好的电绝缘性能等优点,被广泛的应用于汽车、电子电器产业。

    Now PBT has been widely used in auto , electronics and electrical industries due to its excellent tensile properties , high abrasion and chemical resistance .

  5. 随着我国汽车市场不断发展以及车载电子电器不断增加,汽车电磁兼容(EMC)研究将会成为一个新的研究热点。

    With the development of China auto market and the increase of on-board electrical and electronic equipments , automotive electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) will become a new research hotspots field .

  6. 国内的PPS产品由于杂质含量高,不能满足电子电器以及一些具有特殊要求的用途。

    Because the commercial PPS has many impurities in it , it can 't be used for some applications such as electronic encapsulation , fiber and film manufacture .

  7. 欧盟限制电子电器产品中有害物质的指令(RoHS)明确规定限制某些溴阻燃剂的使用。

    The Directive on Restriction of Hazardous Substances ( RoHS ) in Europe Union has definitely stipulated to forbid manufacturing some BFRs .

  8. 综述了制备纳米CoO粉的各种方法,介绍了其在电池、催化剂、电子电器元件等方面的用途。

    The preparation methods of CoO nano-particles are reviewed , and the application are summarized in battery , catalyst , element of electron and electric appliance et al .

  9. 目前,PBT工程塑料已经被广泛应用于电子电器、汽车部件、机械设备以及精密零部件的制造,以取代金属材料,热固性塑料以及一些热塑性塑料。

    At present , PBT has been used in the manufacture of electronic appliances , auto parts , machinery equipment and precision parts , to replace metal materials , thermosetting plastics and some thermoplastics .

  10. 聚乙烯(PE)、聚丙烯(PP)等聚烯烃是重要的通用塑料,具有优良的化学稳定性和电绝缘性,广泛应用于汽车工业、电子电器、通讯设备、包装制品等领域。

    As important commodity plastics , polyolefins , such as polyethylene ( PE ) and polypropylene ( PP ), have good chemical stability and good electricity insulation and are widely applied in the fields of automobile industry , electronic industry , communication equipments and packaging productions .

  11. 并重点介绍了氯化聚氯乙烯树脂在管材、化工防腐设备、电子电器元件、泡沫材料、CPVC复合材料、CPVC/PVC共混物、CPVC/ABS共混物等方面的应用。

    Finely the applications of CPVC resin in pipe , anticorrosion equip ˉ ment , electronic components , foamed plastics , CPVC composite , CPVC / PVC blends and CPVC / ABS blends were also mainly described .

  12. 提出的二级倒立摆计算机控制系统是以江苏溧阳电子电器设备厂生产的二级倒立摆为对象,以CJ-801单板机为数字控制器组成的。

    CJ-801 simple board computer is taken as the digital controller in the computer control system for double inverted pendulum .

  13. 截止目前,夏普股价今年以来已经跌了逾四分之一,它是日本东证指数(topix)电子电器指数中表现最糟糕的一家。

    Its shares have lost more than a quarter in value to date this year and it is the worst performer by far among its Japanese cohorts in the benchmark Topix electrical appliances index .

  14. 多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)广泛应用于制造工业和民用设备,如纺织品、家具、电子电器产品,以预防火灾和减少火灾损失的耐燃添加剂。

    Polybrominated diphenyl ethers ( PBDEs ) are common flame retardants widely used in the manufacture of industrial and domestic equipments such as textiles , furniture , and electronic as well as electrical items to prevent fire and minimize fire damage .

  15. 电子电器业面临的环境挑战和应对策略

    The Challenge and Resolution of RoHS to Electronic and Electrical Industry

  16. 电子电器行业上市公司的股权结构与绩效关系

    Industry Relationship Between Ownership Structures and Performance in Chinese Electronic Enterprises

  17. 负责电子电器,杂货类产品的检验。

    Be responsible for Electrical & Electronics and sundries products inspection .

  18. 电子电器设备中高效热管散热技术的研究现状及发展

    Improvement of Heat Pipe Technique for High Heat Flux Electronics Cooling

  19. 汽车音响等电子电器及护栏管。

    Car stereos and other electronic appliances and guardrail tube .

  20. 废电子电器回收处理体系研究

    Study on recycling system for waste electrical and electronic equipment

  21. 全国废旧电子电器回收处理对策研究

    National Plan for Recycling and Disposal of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment

  22. 八年汽车电子电器零部件制造业工作经历。

    Eight years in Automotive Electronics and Electrical Component Manufacturing .

  23. 负责电子电器零部件的验证试验。

    Taking the responsibility of validation tests for E / E components .

  24. 电子电器阻燃聚丙烯专用料的开发研制

    Research and development of special purpose fire retardant polypropylene for electronic equipments

  25. 电子电器行业应对技术性贸易壁垒的措施

    Countermeasures for Electronic Electrical Appliances Industries Against Technical Trade Barrier

  26. 我国电子电器产品逆向物流回收网络模式研究

    Study on Reverse-Logistics Network Model of Electronic and Electrical Products in China

  27. 家用电子电器的维修方法

    On the Maintaining Methods of the Household Electrical Appliances

  28. 社会源废电子电器收集的顾客需求分析

    Analysis of customer 's demand in collecting society-source WEEE

  29. 电子电器用塑料材料绿色环保要求的探讨

    Probe into the Green & Environment - Protective Demands for Electrical Devices Plastic

  30. 这些工作组将对电子电器公司非常有利。

    These workshops will be of most interest to electrical and electronic companies .