
  • 网络ring closure reaction
  1. 大环化合物合成中的闭环反应

    Syntheses of macrocyclic compounds by ring closure reaction

  2. 以松香为基本原料,通过DA加成反应,合成了丙烯酸改性松香,继而与环氧氯丙烷进行酯化反应、闭环反应,合成了丙烯酸改性松香基环氧树脂。

    Acrylic modified rosin type epoxy resin was synthesized by esterification and ring closing reaction of acrylic modified rosin with excessive epichlorohydrin .

  3. 咖啡因车间闭环反应罐的设计

    Designing cyclization reaction tank for caffeine production

  4. 计算了各步反应的活化能,探讨了闭环反应的机理。

    This paper calculated the activation energy of each step reaction and discussed the mechanism of reactions .

  5. 当前环型聚合物的制备方法主要采用高稀释条件下遥爪聚合物的分子内闭环反应。

    The current preparing methods of cyclic polymer are the intramolecular cyclization of the telechelic polymer in dilute solution .

  6. 分析讨论了开环和闭环反应机理及反应条件。

    Our studies have laid stress on the process and condition of ring opening as well as ring-closure reaction .

  7. 说明酯基的水解与1,3-丙二酮的闭环反应是同步完成的。

    The results showed that the hydrolysis of ester group and the cyclization of 1,3-diketone were carried out in one step .

  8. 结果表明,在季铵盐存在下,双酚A与环氧氯丙烷的开环反应为二级反应,而第二步的闭环反应为一级反应。

    It has been shown that the ring-opening reaction of bisphenol A with epichlorohydrin at the presence of quaternary ammonium salt , is a second-order reaction and the followed ring-closure reaction is a first-order reaction .

  9. 采用化学分析及红外光谱分析方法研究了反应物料配比、反应时间对开环反应的影响及反应温度、时间与氢氧化钠的用量和浓度对闭环反应的影响。

    The effects of material ratio and reaction time on ring-opening reaction , along with the effects of ( reaction ) temperature , reaction time , the dosage and concentration of sodium hydroxide on ring-closure reaction were ( investigated ) by chemical analysis and infrared spectrometry .

  10. 介绍了无机精细化工产品氯化亚砜在医药、农药等工业领域的应用及其在有机合成反应、成环(或闭环)反应中的应用开发现状;

    Applications of thionyl chloride in pharmaceutical and pesticide sectors and application developments in organic synthesis reaction and ring formation reaction are introduced .

  11. 计算了两种异构体开环与闭环过程的反应坐标,发现6/6开环异构体是势能面上的一局部最小点,而5/6闭环异构体不存在。

    The reaction coordinates for the opening and closing of the transannular bond in the 6 / 6 - closed and 5 / 6 - open isomers have been calculated . There is a shallow minimum corresponding to a 6 / 6 - open structure .

  12. 5-氯-2-甲基异噻唑酮-3是一种高效广谱杀菌剂,丙烯酸甲酯经硫化、酰胺化、氯化闭环、中和等反应,制得了目的产物,总收率28.1%。

    5-Chloro-2-methyl-isothiazolone-3 is a high effect , broad spectrum bactericide . A study for synthesizing 5-chloro-2-methyl-isothiazolone-3 from methyl acrylate through the reactions of sulfurization , amidation , chlorination cyclization , neutralization is presented , the overall yields is about 28.1 % .