
  • 网络closed;closeness
  1. 介绍了有界完全Domain的相关性质,用函数空间的研究方法证明了以ScottDS连续映射为态射,以有界完全Domain为对象的范畴的笛卡儿闭性;

    In this paper , we gave various properties of bounded complete domain . And we proved , with Scott continuous functions as morphisms , the category of bounded complete domain is Cartesian closed ;

  2. 线搜索闭性的几个新结果

    Several New Results of Linear Search Closed Property The Finish Line

  3. Fuzzy集的退化锥和关于闭性的几个充分条件

    Degenerate cones and some sufficient conditions about the closedness for fuzzy sets

  4. θ~n紧性与S(n)闭性制造性趣5“点”方案

    θ - Compactness and S ( n ) - Closedness 5 PLANS FOR SEX

  5. 并指出了拟H闭性与弱连续映射和紧性的联系。

    Connection among quasi-H closedness , weakly continuous mapping and compactness is also shown .

  6. 对一个n闭性高阶抽象Cauchy问题的论证

    The proof to a higher order abstract Cauchy with n closeness question

  7. 本文还从范畴笛卡儿闭性的角度给出了Domain理论中一个公开问题的等价描述。

    Also an equivalent statement of the famous open question in domain theory is given in terms of Cartesian closedness .

  8. 本文利用C正规子群及M正规子群的性质刻划有限群的可解性、P闭性、幂零性。

    Using the concept , C-normal subgroups and M-normal Subgroups , we get some interesting result about the solvability , P-closed and nilpotent of finite groups .

  9. 讨论多目标规划问题中的有效点集的闭性和Pareto有效解集的闭性问题。

    This paper discusses closeness of pareto efficient set and efficient outcome set .

  10. LF拓扑空间中的Urysohn闭性

    Urysohn-Closedness in LF Topological Spaces

  11. 该算法先从扫描点云中抽取四大基本几何属性:方向、凹/凸性、圆/直性、开/闭性,接着输入点的几何属性到人工神经网络(ANN)进行特征识别。

    Four geometric attributes , such as chain code , convex / concave , circular / rectangular , and open / closed attribute , were extracted from a scanned point set and presented to the ANN module for feature recognition .

  12. 关于有效点集的闭性和连通性

    On the Closeness and Connectedness of the Set of Efficient Points

  13. 关于有效点集闭性的一个注记

    A note on the closeness of the set of efficient points

  14. 目的对发生嵌闭性疝的猕猴,采用疝手术治疗法挽救其生命。

    Objective To perform hernioplasty to save the life of Rhesus monkey .

  15. 对称拓扑分子格中的弱S-闭性

    Weakly S closedness in Symmetric Topological Molecuar Lattices

  16. 双扰动多目标规划锥有效解集的闭性和半连续性

    Closedness and Semicontinuity of Cone Efficient Solution Sets for Multiobjective Programming under Two Perturbations

  17. 不分明化拓扑中的S&闭性

    S ── closeness in fuzzifying topology

  18. 有限群的π′-闭性

    π′ - closure of finite groups

  19. 我们知道,紧性和闭性理论在拓扑学中起着非常重要的作用。

    As we know , compactness and closeness theory play very important roles in general topology .

  20. 推广了邻域紧性和统一处理拓朴空间的仿H-闭性及仿S&闭性等;同时讨论了仿邻域紧空间的性质及在映象下的保持性问题。

    Neighborhood compactness is extended and para-H-closed and para-s-closed of topological space are dealt with in a unified pattern .

  21. 在环范畴的子范畴间定义了四元数函子,并证明了它是一个正合函子,同时讨论了环类的遗传性,同态闭性在四元数函子下的变化情况。

    We defined the quaternion functor Q on rings categories , and proved that Q is an exact functor .

  22. 本文引进了模上的整元素及模的整闭包的概念,讨论了子模的整闭性问题。

    In this paper , we introduce the concepts of an integral element and the integral closure for modules , and discuss the integrally closed properties of submodules .

  23. 在考虑盐岩的热&流变耦合作用的条件下,对高水平放射性核废料处置盐岩洞库的自封闭性进行了数值分析方法研究。

    The self-closing behaviour of a high level nuclear-waste repository in salt rock is numerically studied using FDM software FLAC under consideration of the thermal-creep coupling of salt rock .

  24. 在此基础上,得到了约束锥扰动多目标规划问题的锥有效解集和锥弱有效解集的闭性和半连续性。

    On this basis , we obtain the closedness and semicontinuity of cone efficient solution sets and cone weakly efficient solution sets for multiobjective programming problem under constraint cone perturbations .

  25. 本文证明了在[1]、[2]和[3]中定义的点到集映射的闭性、上半连续性和下半连续性之间的关系。

    The relation between Closedness , upper Semicontinuity and lower Semicontinuity of the point-to-Set maps defined in [ 1 ] , [ 2 ] and [ 3 ] has been proved .

  26. 建立了近似F-紧空间的概念,给出了近似F-紧性的8个等价条件以及近似F-紧性、几乎F-紧性和NS-闭性之间的关系。

    The concept of a nearly F-compact space is established in this paper . Eight equivalent Conditions of the near F-compactness and relationships between near F-compactness . almost F-compactness and NS-closedness are given .

  27. 本文讨论了笔者在[1]中提出的伪凸集,拟凸集的支撑函数与障碍锥的性质,并通过这些性质得出了二个闭性准则。

    In this paper , we discussed the properties of the support functions and the barrier cones on the quasiconvex sets and pseudoconvex sets , and gave two closedness criteria by using these properties .

  28. 同等应力条件下,裂缝型灰岩/白云岩储层会首先出现超压,并由于裂缝的自封闭性较强,超压不会轻易泄载。

    At the equal stress condition , the carbonate rock or dolomite rock with fracture type were developed overpressures firstly , and because of high self closure property , the overpressure could release hardly .

  29. 介绍中心岛法加地下连续墙方案在广州某高层办公楼地下室基坑设计中的应用情况,该方案具有隔水围闭性强、支护刚度大、节省工期等优点。

    The application of center island method with diaphragm in the basement of a high-rise building in Guangzhou is presented , which has the advantage of water isolation , great rigidity and shorter construction period , etc.

  30. 对定义在完备随机内积模的稠子模上的模同态引入了共轭算子的概念并讨论其基本性质,尤其证明了共轭算子的闭性。

    The notion of the adjoint operator of a module homomorphism defined on a densely submodule of a complete random inner product module is introduced and discussed , in particular the closedness of adjoint operators is proved .