
  • 网络simulated blindness
  1. B组有16例证实为伪盲,另3例伤眼眼睑、球结膜肿胀减退后视力好转。结论VEP对挫伤眼的视神经损伤的诊断和鉴定有重要价值。

    16 cases were pseudo-blindness in group B.Conclusion VEP is an useful method for the diagnosis and identification of optic nerve injuries in patients with ocular contusion .

  2. VEP技术从理论上排除了受检者主观因素的影响,能够客观反映受检者的真实视力,成为目前眼外伤案件中鉴别伪盲,评价伤后视功能的重要手段。

    As VEP excluded the effects of subjective factors from theoretically point and it could examine their objective acuity of vision , it used to be an important method to distinguish fake blindness and evaluate visual function after injury .

  3. 非器质性眼部障碍与伪盲试验(Ⅰ)

    Non-organic ocular disorders and simulating blindness tests ( review )

  4. 基于小波和伪随机变换的盲检测图像水印算法

    Blind watermarking algorithm based on the wavelet and pseudo-random transform

  5. 提出了一种具有恒虚警概率的串行搜索伪随机码自适应盲捕获方法。

    A new adaptive serial search pseudonoise ( PN ) code blind acquisition scheme is proposed , which does not need the help of the pilot signal .

  6. 本文将文献[1]中对伪随机扩频序列盲估计的方法推广应用到混沌扩频通信中,并对其不足提出了改进方法。

    In this paper , the authors extend the method of blind estimation of the pseudo-random sequence of the spread-spectrum signal , which is provided by literature [ 1 ] , to the chaotic spread-spectrum communication system and improve it .