
  1. 此夫鲁国之巧伪人孔丘非邪?(《庄子》)

    This must be none other than that crafty hypocrite Kong Qiu from the state of lu !

  2. 伪满洲国中国人报纸的命运&以《国际协报》的发展及消失为例

    The Fate of Chinese Newspapers in Puppet Manchuria : An Example of the Newspaper International Association

  3. 贾鹤鹏和李娇报道了中国的科普法让那些对付“伪科学”的人更加有力,但是也让人们狂热地争辩这个术语真实的意味。

    China 's science popularisation law gives teeth to those fighting'pseudoscience ' & but also feeds the furore over what the term really means , report Jia Hepeng and Li Jiao .