
huí xiāng
  • return home;return to one's home village
回乡 [huí xiāng]
  • [return to one's home village] 返回家乡

  • 回乡知识青年

回乡[huí xiāng]
  1. 另一位村民赵红艳(音)说,推动电子商务能鼓励更多农民在外务工后回乡。

    Another villager , Zhao Hongyan , says boosting e-commerce also encourages more farmers to return home after working away .

  2. 尽管八十年代后期台湾开放老兵回乡探亲,少小离家老大回。

    Despite the late eighties , Taiwan open " veterans " to return home to visit relatives ," I left my back " .

  3. 动用了一切设施以缓解他们的回乡之困。

    Every facility was laid on to ease their homecoming .

  4. 报纸上说10万名暂住工人将不得不被遣送回乡。

    The paper said that 100,000 non-resident workers would have to be sent back to their home villages .

  5. 少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛衰。(贺知章《回乡偶书》)

    I left home young . I return old , | speaking as then , but with hair grown thin .

  6. UNHCR(联合国难民事务高级专员)发言人AdrianEdwards表示,该项目应耗费了2.5亿美元,而且该项目是数百万难民回乡的主要因素之一。

    UNHCR Spokesman Adrian Edwards said the program , which is an important element in the return of millions of refugees , has cost $ 250 million .

  7. 此外,根据调研数据,建立Logit模型,得出了文化程度、是否掌握农业生产技术、是否有耕地以及生活满意度对他们是否选择回乡创业有显著影响的结论。

    Moreover , according to research data , setting up the model of Logit , we also know that education , agricultural production technology , cultivated field and life satisfaction have significant effect on initiating business after returning to hometown .

  8. 而且他只有30天的回乡假

    And he 's home on leave for just 30 days .

  9. 表示抗议的农民会被遣送回乡。

    Peasants who protest can be deported back to the countryside .

  10. 回乡创业资本既包括物质资本又包括人力资本。

    It contains both the material capital and human capital .

  11. 芳汀回乡时,那地方的情形便是这样。

    Such was the condition of the country when Fantine returned thither .

  12. 吕方贩卖生药亏了本,不能回乡。

    Lu side traffic crude drug lose money , go back township .

  13. 农民工回乡创业行为的发生是一个复杂和动态的过程。

    The occurrence of entrepreneurial behavior is a complex and dynamic process .

  14. 你会淹死的听我的,回乡下去

    and you 're drowning . Go back to Puddleville .

  15. 贾平凹的《秦腔》正表达了这种无望的精神回乡。

    Jia 's Shaanxi Opera expresses a hopeless spiritual return to the hometown .

  16. 农民工回乡创业的问题及其政策建议

    Problems and strategies on migrant workers do home business

  17. 港澳居民回乡卡遗失怎么办?

    Hong Kong and Macau Residents Home-Returning Card Lost ?

  18. 就坚定了他回乡办学的决心。

    So he strengthened his determination to develop education at his home village .

  19. 他讲述了他的回乡之行。

    He described his return to his home village .

  20. 我把他送给一个将要回乡的朋友!

    I sent a friend to be back home !

  21. 福建省农民工回乡创业的调查与思考

    An investigation on peasant workers returning home to start their own business in Fujian

  22. 工业或服务业的许多工人都可以回乡种田谋生。

    Many industrial or service sector workers can return to livelihoods on the farm .

  23. 跳下回乡的列车,故乡看上去依然如故。

    The old home town looks the same as I step down from the train .

  24. 默乃劳向我们呈报,说你们愿意回乡,从事己业。

    Menelaus has told us that you wish to return to your homes and occupations .

  25. 他们离开城市回乡抚养他们的孩子。

    They left the city and went back to the land to raise their children .

  26. 泉沟村每年清明似乎回乡扫墓的人越来越少。

    Each year in Spring Valley it seems that fewer people turn out to celebrate Qingming .

  27. 雨停了,回乡下一趟,发觉春天已勃然觉醒。

    Rain stopped , I go back the country , found that spring had waken up widely .

  28. 农民工回乡创业问题:研究述评与进一步研究的思路

    A Brief Review and Further Research Thinking on the Peasant Workers ' Returning to Hometown and Pioneering

  29. 精神家园的失落及无望的走&论鲁迅的回乡主题小说

    The Losing of Spiritual home and the hopeless walking-on Lu xun 's " going home " novels

  30. 当我回乡看见他时,我很伤心地发现他变得很自卑。

    When I visited him in our hometown I sadly realized that he had become very humble .