
huí shōu
  • recovery;recycling;recover;reclaim;retrieve;regeneration;recoup
回收 [huí shōu]
  • (1) [recover;reclaim;recoup;retrieve]∶从矿石废品或副产品中收取有用材料

  • 从纺织的废料中回收羊毛纤维

  • (2) [recovery]∶从已用过的产品或废品中对有用材料的收回;从矿石处理过程中对有价值物质或金属的收取;人造卫星或人造卫星的一部分、食品仪器舱或运载火箭的其他部分在发射之后又收回来的程序或操作

回收[huí shōu]
  1. 应用带校正因子的面积归一法进行定量分析,RSD为1.34%,平均回收率为98.2%。

    Using normalization method with adjustment factor in quantitative analysis , RSD of this method is 1.34 % and the average retrieve rate is 98.2 % .

  2. 但是目前TiO2光催化材料存在半导体的光响应范围小、粉末状的催化剂回收再利用困难等缺点。

    But at present photocatalyst TiO_2 's appling has such difficulties that TiO_2 's responding spectrum area is narrow and suspended TiO_2 powder 's retrieve and reuse are different .

  3. 废纸被打成大包,然后送去回收再利用。

    The waste paper is baled , then sent for recycling .

  4. 我们要是能回收并再利用所有的东西就再理想不过了。

    In an ideal world we would be recycling and reusing everything .

  5. 他们憎恶有人浪费可回收材料。

    They were appalled at the waste of recyclable material .

  6. 有些产品过了有效使用年限后是可以回收再利用的。

    Some products can be recycled at the end of their useful life .

  7. 公司回收了所有有问题的吹风机。

    The company has recalled all the faulty hairdryers .

  8. 丹麦的纸张回收率近85%。

    Denmark recycles nearly 85 % of its paper .

  9. 这栋房子是用回收的废旧材料建成的。

    The house was built using salvaged materials .

  10. 把饮料罐压扁了再送去回收。

    Squash your cans flat before recycling .

  11. 所有不能再次装用的玻璃瓶子都可以被回收利用。

    All glass bottles which can 't be refilled can be recycled

  12. 这些团体现在正转而致力于大规模的回收利用工作。

    These communities are now turning to recycling in large numbers

  13. 目标是对98%的生活垃圾进行回收利用。

    The objective would be to recycle 98 per cent of domestic waste

  14. 对我们增加消费产生的垃圾进行回收要好过将其焚烧。

    Recycling the waste from our increased consumption is better than burning it .

  15. 汽车制造商使用的许多塑料制品是无法回收利用的。

    A lot of the plastics that carmakers are using cannot be recycled .

  16. 对废弃物的回收利用能够减少对垃圾场的需求,从而也有助于控制环境污染。

    Recycling also helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste dumps .

  17. 回收利用是上个十年中被英国民众广泛认可的观念。

    Recycling is an issue that has come of age in Britain in the last decade .

  18. 德国环保运动的影响力使得该国率先发起了回收利用更多废品的运动。

    The power of the Green movement in Germany has made that country a leader in the drive to recycle more waste materials .

  19. 从猫,狗,狐狸和燕八哥的粪便中回收到了tge病毒。

    Tge virus was recovered from the feces of the cats , dogs , foxes and starlings .

  20. 这些电脑会进行回收、拆解。

    These used computers will be recycled and disassembled .

  21. 回收工业经受不了市场价格的同期性激烈涨落。

    The recycling industry is particularly vulnerable to wild cyclical swings in the market .

  22. 矮化密植果园回收资金较快。

    Compact trees , bring quick returns .

  23. 回收氢氧化钠的另一好处,是降低了处理厂的铝盐消耗量。

    An additional benefit resulting out of sodium hydroxide recovery is the decrease in consumption of alum at the treatment plant .

  24. 电动工具制造商DeWalt与Lowes和NapaAutoParts等公司合作,在他们商店里收集回收旧工具。

    Power tool maker DeWalt partners with companies , such as Lowes and Napa Auto Parts , to collect old tools at their stores for recycling .

  25. Dewalt推出了一个以旧换新计划,通过提供高达100美元的即时折扣来鼓励人们回收旧工具。

    By offering instant discounts worth as much as $ 100 , DeWalt launched a trade-in program to encourage people to bring back tools .

  26. 例如,Dewalt发现,许多承包商仍保留着不能工作的旧工具,因为这些工具的采购成本很高,而且很难说它们可以回收利用。

    For instance , DeWalt discovered that many contractors were holding on to their old tools , even if they no longer worked , because they were expensive purchases and it was hard to justify bringing them in to recycle .

  27. 环保意识并不总能驱动顾客回收旧商品。

    Environmental conscientiousness isn 't always enough to make customers recycle old goods .

  28. 任何回收计划都可能随时间推移而改变,这具体取决于客户和公司的目标。

    Any take-back program will likely change over time , depending on what works for your customers and company goals .

  29. 在巴西,跨国公司阿迪达斯自2012年开始实施一项名为“可持续足迹”的鞋子回收项目。

    In Brazil , the multinational corporation Adidas has been running a shoe-recycling program called " Sustainable Footprint " since 2012 .

  30. 也许你一开始看到的客户参与度很低,或者相反,人们参与太积极使得回收成本过高。

    Maybe you see low customer participation at first , or conversely , so much success that the cost of recycling becomes too high .