
  • 网络Energy intensity
  1. 在此基础上,运用空间回归模型方法计量分析了FDI对能源强度作用的空间关系。

    Based on it , the spatial effect of FDI on energy intensity is analyzed by spatial regression model .

  2. 本文对国内外有关信息化和能源强度影响因素研究进行了梳理和评述,在此基础上,通过实证研究,分析了信息化(ICT)资本对能源强度的影响关系。

    On the basis of combing and commenting the existing literatures about informational and energy intensity factors , we study the impacts of informational ( ICT ) capital on energy intensity through empirical research .

  3. 不仅对本地区能源强度,FDI通过溢出效应对周边地区能源强度的降低也有明显的作用;

    Besides host region , FDI also can spread to adjacent regions by spillover effect .

  4. 相对于国外的经济发达国家,中国的单位GDP能耗较高,能源强度较大。

    Compared with developed countries , there is a higher energy consumption per unit GDP and energy intensity in China .

  5. 通过对工业对能源强度影响的进一步分解发现,工业占GDP的比重对能源强度的影响较小,工业行业能源利用效率的提高是影响能源强度的主要因素。

    The further decomposition shows that the proportion of industry has small effect , the energy utilization efficiency improving in industry is the main factor affecting energy intensity .

  6. 另外,美国经济的能源强度(单位GDP的能源用量)在2010年增加了0.7%,同时美国能源的碳排放强度(单位能源的二氧化碳排放量)也略微增加,而2009年却减少了2.4%。

    There was also a slight increase in the CO2 intensity of U.S.energy supply ( CO2 per unit of energy ) in2010 , which is in contrast to a drop of2.4 % in2009 .

  7. 同时还对未来不同GDP增长速度对实现目标的影响进行了分析和评价,GDP增长速度越快,越有利于GDP能源强度下降目标的实现,但期末能源总消费量的增长也会越大。

    The paper has also analyzed the impacts of GDP growth on the target , and concluded that a higher GDP growth rate is more conducive to achieve the target whereas increasing the total amount of energy consumption at the end of the period .

  8. 然后采用LMID分解法分解三次产业结构对能源强度的影响,结果表明工业是影响能源强度的主要因素。

    And then using the LMID method decomposes the effects of three industrial structure on energy intensity , the results show that industry is the main factor affecting energy intensity .

  9. 通过分析发现,不同行业能源强度存在较大差异。

    It found that energy intensity of various industry are different .

  10. 能源强度变动的指数分解研究&基于新疆数据的实证分析

    Index Decomposition of Energy Intensity Changes : & Evidence from Xinjiang

  11. 结构与效率因素对内蒙古能源强度变动的影响

    Influence of Structure and Efficiency on Energy Intensity of Inner Mongolia

  12. 中国能源强度变动的分解与影响因素

    Decomposition and Influencing Factors of China 's Energy Consumption Intensity Changes

  13. 中国能源强度与经济结构变化特征研究

    Research on change features of Chinese energy intensity and economic structure

  14. 我国工业能源强度变动的影响因素分解分析&基于LMDI分解法

    Decomposing Analysis of Influencing Factors of China 's Industrial Energy Intensity

  15. 中国能源强度变化因素争论与剖析

    Dispute and Analysis of the Factors about China 's Energy Intensity Changing

  16. 中国各地区能源强度差异的因素分解

    Analysis of Causes of Different Regional Energy Intensities in China

  17. 我国能源强度的最优规模实证研究

    Really Certificate Research on Optimum Scale of Chinese Energy Strength

  18. 浅析上海市产业结构变动对能源强度的影响

    Research on an Impact of Industrial Structure on Energy Intensity in Shanghai

  19. 技术进步与能源强度关系的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Relationship between Technology Progress and Energy Intensity

  20. 我国能源强度变化因素分析&以广东作为案例

    A Factor Analysis of the Energy Intensity in China

  21. 中国地区能源强度差异研究&要素禀赋的分析视角

    The Research of Regional Energy Intensity Difference in China-from the Factor Endowment Perspective

  22. 中国能源强度的演变机理及情景模拟研究

    Study on the Evolvement Mechanism and Scenario Simulation of Energy Intensity in China

  23. 中国能源强度变动因素分析

    An analysis on changing factor of Chinese energy intensity

  24. 我国地区能源强度与产业布局关系的数量研究

    Analysis of the Relationship between Region 's Energy Consumption and Industry Allocation in China

  25. 最优能源强度与我国经济增长

    Optimal Energy Intensity and China 's Economic Growth

  26. 我国投资规模、投资结构与能源强度变化的实证研究

    An Empirical Research on the Impact of Investment on China 's Energy Intensity Shift

  27. 在此基础上,笔者提出了一个能源强度分析的框架。

    Based on the study , a frame of energy intensity analysis is delivered .

  28. 去年,中国超额完成了任务,将能源强度降低了4.8%。

    Last year it surpassed its target , cutting intensity by 4.8 per cent .

  29. 基于可比价投入产出表分解我国能源强度影响因素

    Analysis on determining factors of energy intensity in China based on comparable price input-output table

  30. 中国正指示2000家工业企业关闭落后工厂,以实现全国能源强度目标。

    China is directing 2000 industrial companies to shut obsolete factories to meet national energy intensity targets .