
  • 网络energy factor
  1. 采用线能量因子确定了最佳工艺容限。

    The linear energy factor was used to optimize the process .

  2. 把时间、空间和能量因子作为待选变量,提出用逐步回归原理建立混合式蓄能水电站的调度函数。

    Time , space and energy factor are variables to be elected in this scheduling function which is design by using regression theory .

  3. 第四部分主要对位错方程中描述离散效应的二阶导数项参数和各向能量因子进行了求解,并利用已有的位错方程解法求得了稀有气体晶体中位错的芯结构和Peierls应力。

    The fourth part mainly calculates the second order derivative coefficient that describing the discrete effect and the anisotropic energy factors , and has obtained the dislocation core structure and the Peierls stress in the rare-gas crystal using the existing method of solving dislocation equations .

  4. 建立能量因子的提取应用机制。

    The extraction of the Energy - Design Factor is established .

  5. 导波的衰减可以用能量因子来衡量。

    Furthermore , the attenuation of the guided wave can be scaled by the energy factors .

  6. 攀枝花钒钛磁铁矿主要成矿元素地球化学特征的能量因子

    Energy factors of primary ore-forming elements in Panzhihua vanadic titanomagnetite ore deposit and their geochemical characterization

  7. 提出用两个新的参数&马氏体转变能量因子和键强因子来考察奥氏体稳定性以及马氏体转变量。

    Two new parameters , martensite transformation bond energetic factor and bond strength factor , are proposed to clarify the stability of austenite and the transformation of martensite .

  8. 本文从单粒子模型出发,导出了考虑相对论能量因子一级扰动量影响的色散方程。

    In this paper , on the basis of a single-particle model , the dispersion equation is obtained after considering the first perturbation term of relativistic energy factor .

  9. 探讨了生态能量因子对亚健康状态的治疗机理作用,给亚健康人群指出了一条新的、有效的治疗途径。

    At the same time , probes into the cure mechanism of ecological energy element to sub-health state , and puts forward a new and effective cure way for sub-health population .

  10. 此外在考虑能量因子的情况下,建立了土壤储水量及土壤有效储水量与作物生物量、土壤初始有效含水量及温度关系的数学模型。

    When taking account of the factor of energy , the models on relation of water content ( or applicable water content ) to dry biomass of crop , the initial applicable water content and temperature were founded .

  11. 在功率谱计算的基础上,以主频谱分量为中心,基于一段频率窗内的谱分量,用功率谱能量因子来定量描述运动系统的能量特征。

    On the basis of the power spectrum calculation , we use some spectral components within the frequency window to quantitatively describe the energy factor that express the energy characteristics of the motion system , and main spectral components is the center of window .

  12. 针对传统的线性组合模型只考虑了基因之间的线性调控关系的缺陷,引入了能量因子的概念,从而使得模型具备了分析基因间的非线性调控关系的特性。

    However , this model just takes the linear relationships between genes into account . In order to circumvent this problem , energy factor has been added in the Linear Combination Model , thus the model can be used to analysis the nonlinear relationships between genes .

  13. 本文提出先对质点位移序列基于随机干扰的标准差消除部分随机干扰的影响,然后通过窗口能量比因子识别P波到时的方法。

    In this paper , we first eliminate random factor based on the standard deviation of random factor , then detect the P phase with window energy ratio factors .

  14. 最后研究了DMS对调制不稳性抑制以及DMS的能量增强因子,同时采用绝热扰动法研究了DMS对Gordon&Haus效应的抑制。

    At the same time , the energy enhancement factor of DMS and DMS restraining to the modulation instability and Gordon-Haus effect are also studied .

  15. 高斯线调频连续小波变换的时频能量衰减因子方法及其应用

    Time-Frequency Energy Attenuation Factor and Its Application on the Basis of Gauss Linear Modulation Frequency Continuous Wavelet Transform

  16. 引进了粗略估算地震能量转换因子的方法。

    A method to estimate roughly the factor for transforming , earthquake energy into wave energy has been introduced .

  17. 提出能量设计因子和设计元概念,建立了基于设计元的面向能源节约的产品设计模型。

    This study further establishes a green design model for energy saving on the base of two presented concepts called " Energy-Design Factor " and " Design Union " .

  18. Leptin是一种由脂肪细胞分泌的、能够抑制摄食和促进能量消耗的因子;

    Leptin is a bio-active protein secreted specifically by adipose tissue , which can inhibit food intake and promote energy expenditure ;

  19. 通过引入与加载路径有关的能量项加权因子β1,由定义的临界延性系数μ0和能量等效系数γE计算,提出了改进的Park-Ang双参数地震损伤模型。

    By multiplying another energy weighted coefficient which is related to load path and can be calculated by critical ductility factor and equivalent energy factor , the modified Park-Ang seismic damage model is obtained .

  20. Orexin-A是一种由下丘脑侧部特异神经元分泌的、能够促进摄食并减少能量消耗的因子。

    While orexin-A is another bio-active protein secreted by specific neurons in lateral hypothalamus , mainly promote food intake and suppress energy expenditure .

  21. 结果根据能量响应校正因子的误差范围,三种电离室类型仪器分别为3.0%、3.3%和3.3%,三种半导体类型仪器分别为3.8%、36%和43%,一种TLD类型为29%。

    Results The error range of correction factors of energy response , three type chambers are 3.0 % , 3.3 % and 3.3 % reprectively ; three type semiconductor detectors are 3.8 % , 36 % and 43 % and one type thermoluminescent dosimeter is 29 % .

  22. 北京地区磁暴频谱及能量的分配因子

    The Frequency Spectra and the Energy Distribution Factor of Magnetic Storm at Beijing Areas

  23. 这是一个信号介导的过程,需要能量和可溶性因子如穿梭载体的参与。

    It is a signal mediated process , which needs energy and the participation of soluble factors .

  24. 如果这些功效还不足以说明问题,西红柿还可以保护我们体内的线粒体。线粒体是一种能够把我们摄入的食物转化为能量的细胞因子。

    If that were not enough , the fruit also protects our mitochondria - the elements of cells which turn the food we eat into energy .

  25. Ⅴ型分泌系统的分泌装置最为单一,且该系统分泌的蛋白在跨外膜转运过程中似乎不需要能量和辅助因子(蛋白)的参与。

    The secretion apparatus of the type ⅴ secretion system is simple and no energy coupling or accessory factor seemed to be required for the translocation process .

  26. 分析结果显示:指标能量形式对土地因子的筛选结果好于货币形式,其中以产值(KJ)的筛选结果最为稳定、合理。

    The results show that the analysis results of indexes of energy form are better than those of indexes of money form .

  27. 补偿效应参数(K0)和能量分布指前因子(1/b)均与负载的金属离子半径(dm)有关。

    E. the activation energy ( E ) increased with the increase of the pro-exponential factor ( A ), Both compensation effect parameter ( K0 ) and energy distribution exponential factor ( 1 / 6 ) were closely related to the metal ionic radius ( dm ) .

  28. 滩涂池塘生态系统的光合能量利用及其影响因子

    Impact factors of photosynthesis energy utilization in the coastal fish ponds of Jiangsu Province

  29. 提出了一种通过测量压电等效电路参数来计算能够反映能量损失的耗散因子的方法。

    A novel method is proposed to obtain the dissipation factors of piezoelectric materials .

  30. 基于稳态能量法的损耗因子计算方法研究

    Research on a Numerical Approach of Loss Factor Estimation Based on Power Injection Method