
  • 网络Reaction chain;Chain reaction;cascade
  1. 在体外建立部分糖代谢反应链。以此测得烯醇化酶在30℃时的活力为2950.0u/ml。

    The enzymatic activity measured through glycolytic reaction chain in vitro was 2950.0u/ml at 30 ℃ .

  2. 三分子反应链的稳恒态耗散结构与圆域半径的关系

    Relation Between the Radius of Circular System and Steady-state Dissipative Structures of Trimolecular Reaction Chain

  3. 这反过来促发损害细胞的反应链。

    This , in turn , can start chain reactions that damage cells .

  4. 论医疗纠纷反应链

    The reaction chain of medical disputes

  5. 1942年曼哈顿计划:一支由恩里科·费尔米率领下的小组启动了第一条自给核反应链。

    1942-Manhattan Project : A team led by Enrico Fermi initiate the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction .

  6. 如何确保将这些接触要求展开到顾客反应链中的所有人员和过程?

    HOW do you ensure that these contact requirements are DEPLOYED to all people and PROCESSES involved in the CUSTOMER response chain ?

  7. 除此之外,该集团还进行核燃料的后处理,因为这涉及到核放射元素钸的处理,所以是核反应链中较敏感的环节。

    It also handles the reprocessing of nuclear fuels , which is one of the more sensitive parts of the nuclear chain as it involves handling of the radioactive element plutonium .

  8. 回顾了医疗纠纷的背景与现状,针对医疗纠纷多发和处理难的问题,提出了医疗纠纷反应链的概念,介绍了医疗纠纷反应链的框架结构、主要内容、基本原理和主要特点等。

    The paper reviews the background and current situation of medical disputes and puts forward the concept of the reaction chain of medical disputes in view of their high occurrence rate and the difficulty in handling them .

  9. 以异丙醇为聚合反应链转移剂,水相法合成特性粘度为0.70×10-3m3/kg,分子量为6.5×104的低粘度短链线性聚丙烯酰胺。

    Short-chain linear polyacrylamide ( SLPA ) was synthesized using isopropanol as a chain transfer agent . The viscosity coefficient and molecular mass of SLPA were 0.70 × 10 - 3 m 3 / kg and 6.5 × 10 4 respectively .

  10. 具HollingⅢ型功能性反应食物链系统周期正解的存在性

    Positive periodic solution of the food-chain system with Holling ⅲ type functinal response

  11. 应用MonteCarlo方法模拟聚合反应中链增长和链交换反应速率常数,结果表明每一个活性中心接受约6个单体插入后发生链转移反应结束该聚合链增长。

    Monte Carlo method has been developed to estimate the chain propagation constant and exchange reaction constant . In average , one exchange reaction will occur after approximate six monomer molecules insert into the growing chain .

  12. 一类具反馈控制和比率型功能反应食物链系统周期解的存在性

    Existence of Positive Periodic Solution of Food Chain System with Feedback Controls and Ratio-dependent Functional Response

  13. 反应扩链制备高黏度尼龙6及其性能表征扇贝肌原纤维蛋白浊度和黏度特性的研究

    Characterization of High Viscosity PA6 Produced in Extruder Chain-extending Turbidity and viscosity properties of myofibril from scallop

  14. 基于此,本文设计了我国果品快速供销反应冷藏链与冷藏链流通模式。

    On this basis , it designs the quick response cold chain for China fruits supply and cold chain distribution mode .

  15. 在聚合反应的链引发反应中,由于反应物中都含有不饱和键,所以其活性较高,往往因光、热等因素的作用而引发聚合。

    In the chain initiation , because of containing unsaturated bonds in all the reactants , their activity are higher and often reacted by light , heat and other factors .

  16. 结果表明,反应的链转移剂质量分数10%时,产物性能最佳。

    The synthetic conditions and biodegradability of the copolymer were studied and the results showed that production had optimal performance when the qualitative amount of chain transfer agent was 10 % .

  17. PET的反应挤出扩链及扩链剂的合成研究

    The Study on the Chain Extension of PET during Reactive Extrusion and the Synthesis of Chain Extender

  18. 综述了H2/CO比,反应温度对链增长几率α的影响以及初级产物烯烃的插入反应对产物分布的影响。

    The influences of H_2 / CO ratio of the feed gas and reaction temperature on chain growth probability are also reviewed . The alkene 's incorporation into growing chains are probably involved in the product distribution .

  19. 方法:用聚合酶链式反应和双链直接测序方法,分析p53基因外显子5、6、7、8,共检测急性白血病32例,慢性白血病31例。

    Methods : Using polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ) and double strand DNA direct sequencing methods to analyse the sequence of p53 gene exons 5 8.32 cases of acute leukemia , and 31 cases of chronic leukemia were tested .

  20. 讨论有放养的第类功能性反应的捕食链非自治系统,应用比较定理和不动点定理及V函数法,在一定条件下证明该系统存在唯一的全局渐近稳定的正周期解。

    In this paper a nonautonomous food chain system with ⅱ type functional response and graze is considered . The existence , uniqueness and global asymptotic stability of a positive periodic solution for the system are proved by the comparison theorem , fixed point theorem and V-function method .

  21. 带有快速反应策略供应链系统的补偿策略研究

    Return policies in supply chain system with quick response strategy

  22. 这一过程是加聚反应历程中链增长步序的逆过程。

    It is the reverse of the propagation step in addition polymerization .

  23. 反应性供应链综合绩效评价研究

    Study on Overall Performance Measurement of Response Supply Chain

  24. 这种自由基转移的反应称为链转移反应。

    These radical displacement reactions are chain-transfer reactions .

  25. 涂片、培养、聚合酶链反应和连接酶链反应几种方法检测宫颈淋球菌感染

    The detection of cervical gonococcal infection with LCR PCR methylene blue staining and culture

  26. 建立快速反应的供应链

    Establishment of the Quick Response Supply Chain

  27. 双活性基团的染料单体可顺利参与溶液共缩聚反应中的链增长过程,反应活性与乙二醇相近,聚合型染料的产率和粘均分子量都很高;

    The monomeric dye with two active groups has no negative effect on solution polycondensation reaction .

  28. 研究了引发剂用量、反应温度、链转移剂用量对相对分子量的影响。初步探讨了其助洗性能。

    The effect of initiator amount and chain transfer agent amount on molecular weight were studied .

  29. 链替代扩增反应研究进展链置换扩增技术在结核病诊断中的应用

    Advances and applications of strand displacement amplification Evaluation of strand displacement amplification in the diagnosis of tuberculosis

  30. 以废腈纶为原料,经碱法水解反应和扩链反应制取乳液用高分子增稠剂。

    Polymeric thickener for latex can be prepared from waste polyacrylonitrile ( PAN ) via alkaline hydrolysis and chain extension .