
huí lì qiú
  • jai alai;pelota;hili ball
回力球[huí lì qiú]
  1. 我们只知道回力球酒吧有国内最好吃的汉堡…如果不算全宇宙最好吃的话。

    All we know is the Jai Alai Lounge has the single best burger in the country ... if not the universe .

  2. 我和Joey说过要早起去打回力球,显然有人睡过头了。

    Ross : Uh ... uh ... Well , Joey and I had discussed getting in an early morning racquetball game . But , um , apparently , somebody overslept .

  3. 回力球、重和保龄球都是全年性的活动。

    Racquetball & def weightlifting and bowling are year-round activities .

  4. 我和雷一个星期至少打3次回力球。

    Ray and I played squash at least three times a week .

  5. 不论气候如何,人们都从事户内运动。回力球、举重和保龄球都是全年性的活动。

    People play indoor sports whatever the weather . Racquetball , weightlifting and bowling are year-round activities .

  6. 长勺手套:一种用勺形柳条编成的手套,在海阿拉回力球运动中套在手上作接球和掷球用。

    Cesta : a scoop-shaped wicker basket that is worn over the hand and used to catch and throw the ball in jai alai .