
  • Back to the past;Return to the Past;Back In Time
  1. 唉,除非政策制定者已准备好严格审查金融服务业的结构、效率和效用,否则我们正在前往的地方就回到过去。

    Well , unless policymakers are ready to examine critically the structure , efficiency and utility of the financial services industry , back to the past is precisely where we are heading .

  2. 但由于时代和自身的局限,他的批判并没有摆脱启蒙视域的限制和浪漫情怀的藩篱,对现代性弊端的超越走了一条回到过去之路。

    But because of the limitations of time and their own , criticism and not out of his field of vision limits of enlightenment and romantic barriers on modern sexual abuse go beyond a " back to the past " road .

  3. 他说他反对回到过去的独裁做法。

    He said he was against returning to old authoritarian ways .

  4. 在梦里你可以回到过去。

    In a dream you can be transported back in time

  5. 生活不再像以前那么艰难了,但是许多年长的因纽特人讨厌现代生活,想回到过去。

    Life is not as hard as it used to be , but many of the older Inuits hate modern life and want to go back to the old days .

  6. 《黑衣人3》中,史密斯扮演的探员J穿越时空回到过去以拯救搭档探员K。K由较年轻的乔什布洛林出演。

    The third instalment in the Men In Black series sees Smith 's Agent J travelling back in time to save his partner Agent K , played as a younger man by Josh Brolin .

  7. 我试着回到过去,想象霍华德·霍克斯(HowardHawks)在《红河》(RedRiver)里是怎么激发蒙哥马利·克里夫特(MontgomeryClift)和约翰·韦恩(JohnWayne)的演技的。

    I try to go back in time to figure out how did Howard Hawks get that performance out of Montgomery Clift and John Wayne in " Red River " ?

  8. 金钟学曾向24集的《信义》(Faith)投入数百万美元,最终遭遇商业失败,而愤怒的剧组人员向他追讨被拖欠的薪酬。该剧讲述的是一位整形外科医生穿越时空回到过去的故事。

    Mr Kim had invested millions of dollars in Faith – a 24-part drama about a plastic surgeon who travels back in time – only to find himself facing a commercial flop and an angry cast pursuing him for unpaid wages .

  9. 然而在《触发动机:007小说》(TriggerMortis:AJamesBondNovel)中,邦德的冒险旅途来到了小说家伊恩·弗莱明(IanFleming)或电影制片人艾伯特·布洛柯里(AlbertBroccoli)都不曾去过的地方:向后,回到过去。

    In " Trigger Mortis : A James Bond Novel , " however , Bond ventures somewhere Ian Fleming , or the movie producer Albert Broccoli , would never go : back , into the past .

  10. 有回到过去的感觉嗯对我爸爸来说可能是的因为我从小就对Paula有些着迷啊看到脸上的痔我依旧会感觉很兴奋呢

    You 've known Paula for a while.Uhh I mean , my dad have , because growing up I was little bit of obssessed . I still get excited when I see the mole

  11. 有关其他信息,您还可以阅读BobSupnik的名为SIMH:回到过去演示文稿,包括任何理解历史系统以便进行仿真。

    You can also read through this presentation from Bob Supnik titled SIMH : Forward into the Past for additional information , including how historical systems are understood for simulation .

  12. 用这台时间机器,我们能回到过去。

    With this machine , we can go back in time .

  13. 然而,我们的爱,不能回到过去!

    We love however , can not be back to past !

  14. 我真的希望他能回到过去。

    I just really hope that he gets back to it .

  15. 我想要回到过去的地方。

    I want to go to the places in the past .

  16. 调查:多数美国人恋旧,宁愿回到过去。

    Past more comforting than future for many Americans : poll .

  17. 我能回到过去又返回现实生活吗?

    Go back in time and am now living my lifeover again ?

  18. 时光倒转,让我们回到过去!

    Turn back the clock because we 're going back in time !

  19. 他希望回到过去。

    He wants to go back to the old days .

  20. 这种惊喜和微妙会让你们回到过去的美好时光。

    The surprise and subtlety will bring you both back .

  21. 这回我们要去哪?回到过去?

    Where we gonna go now , back in time ?

  22. 好吧,如果我能回到过去生活,

    Well , if I could go back in history and live ,

  23. 你有没有想过回到过去,去安抚一下那时的自己?

    Ever wish you could go back and comfort her ?

  24. 我再也不幻想回到过去。

    I am not about to go chasing the past .

  25. 在2323年,你已拥有回到过去的能力。

    It's2323 and you have the power to travel in the past .

  26. 没有人能够回到过去从新开始。

    No one can go back and make a brand new start .

  27. 就可以穿越时空回到过去。

    Would appear to be going backward in time .

  28. 你又如何用你的机器回到过去救她?

    So how could you useyour machine to go back to save her ?

  29. 回到过去是不可能的事情。

    It 's impossible to return to the past .

  30. 我们生活又要回到过去。

    Our lives seem to glide on as before .