
  • 网络Write Back;write-back;Writeback
  1. 每个区域设有一个计数器,用来记录该区PCM被回写的次数。

    Each region owns a counter to record the number of write-back from DRAM in this region .

  2. 在对磁盘阵列Cache的实现过程中,使用了组相联映射、LRU替换算法等比较成熟的技术,在Cache回写策略上采用Writeback方式,从而提高了写磁盘速度,减少冗余写盘操作。

    In the process of implementing the disk array cache , we used some mature techniques , set-associated map , LRU replace policy , and so on . By using write-back policy , we improved the speed of writing to disk and reduced redundant disk write operations .

  3. 在Web上动态访问与回写数据库

    Dynamically Access Database and Write Data Back to it on the Web

  4. 其中,三种常见的策略为:回写(writeback)、预定(ordered)和数据(data)。

    Three of the most common strategies are writeback , ordered , and data .

  5. 计算机数字采集回写CT、MRI图像网络化管理应用研究

    The Study of the Net Management of the Computer Digital Collecting and Back-writing CT or MRI Image in the Clinic Application

  6. XFS采用回写日志策略。

    XFS uses the writeback journaling policy .

  7. 同时,与典型的EDAC芯片相比,本系统实现了差错的实时回写。

    At the same time , compared with typical EDAC chips , this system can realizes real-time error correction .

  8. Ext3fs允许用三种方式记录日志(回写,预定和数据),但预定模式为默认模式。

    Ext3fs permits three types of journaling ( writeback , ordered , and data ) but uses ordered as the default mode .

  9. DRAM缓存的利用率和命中率高才能减少对PCM的写操作,如果一个恶意的程序通过某种方法产生持续的、从DRAM到PCM的回写,也会快速消耗PCM的寿命。

    A DRAM cache only with high utilization and hit rate can reduce the frequency of write-back on PCM . If a malicious program can create a continuous write-back from DRAM to PCM in some way , PCM ` s life will be rapidly consumed .

  10. 洁回写纸条时,却闻到一股尿臊味。

    Jie can smell the emiction when she write the scrip .

  11. 有一个单元格回写的实验工具。

    There is an experimental facility for cell-writeback .

  12. 由于主存不可能容纳磁盘上所有的页面,缓冲区管理器需要考虑到页面替换和回写。

    Information page BUFFER CAPACITY Buffer manager should think much of policies of page replacement and write - back .

  13. 现在保存文件,你必须关闭文件,或者回写文件缓冲。

    Now to save the file , you must close the file , or flush the buffer to the file .

  14. 在操作数读取和片上数据存储回写处,通过矢量置换网络实现内嵌数据组织指令。

    Vector permutation networks are inserted into operands reading ports and result store path to support embedded data organization instructions .

  15. 此支持40-物理寄存器文件,此文件含有能混序完成的临时回写结果。

    This supports a40 - entry physical register file that holds temporary write-back results that can complete out of order .

  16. 我们首先分析并指出攻击状态的特征是,在较长一段周期之内,系统保持着较高的回写率。

    We analyzed and pointed out that in a system under attack , write-back rate will remain rather high within a long period .

  17. 回写缓冲区会在保持文件打开的情况下保存文件,所以只要有必要就使用它。

    Flushing the buffer will write the buffer to the file and still keep the file open , so use this function when necessary .

  18. 在回写模式中,仅有元数据被记录到日志,数据块则被直接写入到磁盘位置上。

    In writeback mode , only the metadata is journaled , and the data blocks are written directly to their location on the disk .

  19. 信中要求他交回写着无神论者几个字的车牌,其原因是这几个字招人烦。

    Instructing him to return his vehicle 's license plate , emblazoned with the word " ATHEIST ", on the grounds that it was " objectionable " .

  20. 在基于进程的攻击检测方法中,我们以一个操作系统时间片为周期来统计回写率,并在20%到100%之间确定适当的回写率阀值。

    In the process-based attack detection method , we take an operating system time slice as the " period " basis to count the write-back rate , and determine the appropriate threshold value between 20 % and 100 % .

  21. 如果禁用该插件,那么它将还原回普通的大小写的情况。

    If you deactivate your plug-in , it will revert to normal capitalization .

  22. 回康考德后或写日记、讲演,或在乡间小游和测量。

    Returning to Concord , divided his time between his journal , lectures , walks in the country , and surveying .

  23. 每当我担心自己的生活没有前进,我就回想起曾经在写第一本小说时的生活方式。

    Whenever I fear that my life hasn 't progressed , I think back to the way I lived while I wrote my first novel .