
  • 网络recovery
  1. 他划桨平稳,蹬腿有力,回桨也快。

    His stroke is smooth , leg drive powerful recovery fast .

  2. 意大利队表现出了出色的提桨、拉桨、结束和回桨技巧。

    The Italian team displayed excellent skills in catching , driving , finishing , and recovering .

  3. 通过对赛艇回桨过程的力学分析和大量的测试,分析研究我国女子双桨运动员普遍存在的一些错误的技术动作,提出了改进这些错误技术动作的训练方法。

    This article analyzes improper techniques of civil female double oar by analyzing mechanics during recovering of rowing and testing , bringing up the training method of correcting these improper techniques .

  4. 桨手的个人技术包括:良好的节奏感,协调平衡,通力协作,划桨平稳,腿部拉伸力量强,回桨动作快和划桨率高。

    Propeller-hand personal technology including : good sense of rhythm , balance coordination , and cooperation among , paddle stable tensile strength of strong legs , back and paddle blade moves faster rate .

  5. 起航第一桨适当提高拉桨阶段时间比例减小回桨阶段时间比例,以获取更多的动力时间,有利于艇摆脱静止而加速前进。

    Raising the time ratio of pull oars stage and decreasing the time ratio of back oars stage appropriately in the first oar . It can get more power , which is beneficial to the boat get rid of static time which would accelerate forward .