
huí yìnɡ
  • response
  • respond;answer
回应 [huí yìng]
  • [reply] 回答应声,对反应

  • 行不行你到是回应一声呀

  1. 紧急求助电话的平均回应时间是9分钟。

    The average response time to emergency calls was 9 minutes .

  2. 我敲了门,可是没有回应。

    I knocked on the door but there was no response .

  3. 恐怖分子以更多的暴力事件来回应政府的声明。

    The terrorists replied to the government 's statement with more violence .

  4. 政府至少在道义上有责任回应这些问题。

    Governments have at least a moral obligation to answer these questions .

  5. 楼上亮着灯,但叫门没人回应。

    Lights were burning upstairs , but no one answered the door .

  6. 他露出微笑,可他的微笑没有得到回应。

    He smiled but his smile was not reciprocated .

  7. 她对他的热情没有得到回应。

    Her passion for him was not reciprocated .

  8. 他演讲的目的在于回应对手对他的公开指责。

    The speech was intended to answer the charges levelled against him by his opponents .

  9. 政府未采取恰当的措施回应无家可归者的需要,为此已受到谴责。

    The government has been accused of not responding appropriately to the needs of the homeless .

  10. 我不知道是该笑一笑还是该说点什么作为回应。

    I wasn 't sure whether to laugh or to reciprocate with a remark of my own .

  11. 我提出挑战,但是没人回应。

    I called out a challenge , but there was no reply

  12. 部长将返回巴黎亲自回应那些指控。

    The minister is returning to Paris to answer the allegations personally

  13. 她在记者招待会上对他被释放作出了回应。

    She gave her reaction to his release at a press conference

  14. 政府尚未对他的言论作出回应。

    There has been no response to his remarks from the government

  15. 首相今天的回应更是表示反对。

    A more unfavourable response was given today by the Prime Minister

  16. 他模棱两可的回应丝毫没有消除人们的猜疑。

    His equivocal response has done nothing to dampen the speculation .

  17. 伯克的观点无疑引起了议会的积极回应。

    Burke 's sentiments undoubtedly struck a responsive chord in Parliament .

  18. 我写此信是为了回应你那篇探讨科学家薪水的文章。

    I am writing with reference to your article on salaries for scientists

  19. 他正就有关针对他的暗杀阴谋的报道作出回应。

    He was responding to reports of an assassination plot against him .

  20. 令他们吃惊的是,有几百人对广告作出了回应。

    To their surprise , hundreds replied to the advertisement .

  21. 盖茨以一篇有关部署策略的鸿篇大论予以回应。

    Gates responds with a lengthy discourse on deployment strategy .

  22. 作为对最后通牒的回应,苏丹甚至威胁说要动员军队。

    Sudan even threatened to mobilize in response to the ultimatums

  23. 卢克的回应就是把她的肩头抓得更紧了。

    Luke answered by tightening his grip on her shoulder

  24. 海军最高指挥部对这些进展的回应十分反常。

    The naval high command 's response to these developments is rather curious .

  25. 他们可能会对总统的援助要求作出积极回应。

    They are likely to respond positively to the President 's request for aid

  26. 民主党领导人在选举压力下往往用一些含糊其词的行动承诺来予以回应。

    Democratic leaders under election pressure tend to respond with vague promises of action

  27. 作为对此的回应,总统对批评者们给予了严厉的抨击。

    The president responded to this with a blistering attack on his critics .

  28. 回应谩骂性电子邮件的最好办法就是置之不理。

    The best way to respond to a flame is to ignore it .

  29. 在大会主题发言中,她言辞犀利地回应挑战。

    She picked up the gauntlet in her incisive Keynote Address to the Conference

  30. 他们立誓要给出一个快速果断的回应。

    They have vowed a quick and decisive response .