
huí diē
  • decline (of stock) after a rise;go down after a rise
回跌 [huí diē]
  • [fall] 水平上升后再下跌

  • 股市回跌

  1. bringdown降(价)全国性的大丰收很快使米价回跌了。

    A nationwide good harvest soon brought down the price of rice .

  2. 黄金价格在昨天上涨之后,今天重又回跌。

    The price of gold fell again today following yesterday 's gains .

  3. 现在这些成本已经回跌,预计还会进一步下跌。

    Now costs have fallen back , and are expected to dip further .

  4. 同一组资金流动会引起价格上涨,也会推动价格回跌。

    The same fund flows that can drive a price up can push it back down again .

  5. 你尽说要回跌,慎庵尽说还要涨!

    You say they 're going to drop , and Shen-an says they 're going to keep rising .

  6. 商业存货销售比在经济衰退期间飙升,而现在也已经回跌到正常水平。

    The ratio of business inventories to sales , which soared during the recession , is now back to normal .

  7. 回收作废文件,以确保文件的有效性.全国性的大丰收很快使米价回跌了。

    Recovery of waster documents to ensure their effectiveness . A nationwide good harvest soon brought down the price of rice .

  8. 但随着交易员对这一计划产生疑虑,以及针对全球经济前景的新一轮悲观情绪,价格回跌。

    But prices dropped later amid traders ' doubts about the plan and a new bout of gloom about the prospects for the global economy .

  9. 但每次到最后,债券收益率都会在疲弱经济数据或高油价的影响下回跌。

    But each time , the data has come to an end in the face of weaker economic data or the perceived impact of high oil prices .

  10. 某种程度上食物价格被一锤子供应因素而抬高了,由于物价回跌他们应该在今年变平。

    To the extent that food prices have been pushed up by one-off supply factors , they should flatten later this year , causing inflation to fall .

  11. 可是赵伯韬他们仅仅放出二百万去,债价便又回跌,结果比前天只好起半元左右。

    Chao Potao needed only to unload about two million to make the prices drop again to only fifty cents above the quotation of two days before .