
  • 网络pseudo-color processing;Pseudocolor Image Processing
  1. 用OpenGL实现红外图像伪彩色处理

    Pseudocolor Image Processing by OpenGL

  2. 心血管造影实时伪彩色处理临床应用的意义

    A Study of Real-Time Pseudocolor Image Processing Technique and Its Use in Cardio-Angiography

  3. 基于DSP红外图像伪彩色处理的研究

    Research on Pseudo-color Coding of Infrared Image Based on DSP

  4. 该系统通过对图像的伪彩色处理应用于FPGA上实现,可裁减、可扩充、可升级,具备软、硬件系统可编程的功能。

    The system of pseudo-color image processing applications implemented on FPGA can be cut , scalable , can be upgraded with software and hardware system programmable functions .

  5. 它能实时获取视频图像,完成基本的图像处理操作。可在IBM&PC及兼容机上应用,并利用微机上的EGA或VGA卡实现伪彩色处理,有很高的性能价格比和广泛的应用前景。

    This card can sample video image in real-time , complete the basic operation on image processing and realize the pseudo-color processing with EGA or VGA card .

  6. 文中还阐述了数据场的伪彩色处理。

    The pseudo - color processing of data field is described .

  7. 实时图象伪彩色处理电路的设计与实现

    Design of Real - time Image Pseudo - color Processing Circuit

  8. 声纳图像伪彩色处理的调色板连续色编码方法

    Palette 's Continuous Coding Method for Sonar Image Pseudo-color Processing

  9. B超图象伪彩色处理技术

    Discussion on the techniques of pseudo color processing of B scan image

  10. 肺癌荧光图象的伪彩色处理

    Processing of Pseudocolor Display of Lung Cancer Fluorescence Image

  11. 基于小波分析和伪彩色处理的低对比度图像增强

    Low-contrast image enhancement based on wavelet and pseudocolor processing

  12. 色彩调和理论在辐射成像的伪彩色处理中的应用

    Application of color harmony in radiation imaging

  13. 当前,声纳图像伪彩色处理工程中采用的调色板编码方式大都是依据经验或者采用简单的线性生成的方式。

    However , palette is created only by experience or simply in some linear coding way in sonar image processing .

  14. 伪彩色处理是非光学遥感图像增强和显示的常用方法,调色板的编码技术是非光学遥感图像伪彩色显示的关键。

    Pseudo-color processing is commonly used in non-optical remote sensing image enhancing , in which coding of palette is the key .

  15. 本文介绍了伪彩色处理技术:查表添色法。

    In this paper , the technique of the fill Lock Up Table ( LUT ) of pseudo-color processing is introduced .

  16. 本论文讨论了分析过程中所用到的图像封装、噪声处理和伪彩色处理等技术。

    This dissertation discusses the techniques used in the analysis process , such as image packaging , noise processing and pseudo-color processing .

  17. 对彩色图像进行伪彩色处理有很多种方法,其中比较常用的是基于图像分割的方法。

    There are many methods for Pseudo-color processing of the color image , in which the method based on image segmentation is in common use .

  18. 在分析研究了灰度图像伪彩色处理技术和几种基本方法基础上,提出了一种基于融合的伪彩色图像处理算法。

    Contrapose the matter that the foregone false-color process technology is not well for glimmer night-vision image , an false-color process based on fusion is proposed .

  19. 彩色图像的伪彩色处理是目前彩色图像处理领域中具有广阔应用前景和实际应用价值的热门研究课题。

    Pseudo-color processing of the color image , which has a wide range of potential applications , is an active research area of the processing of color image .

  20. 医学图像的分析处理主要包括:图像的预处理、特征提取、图像分割、图像配准、图像融合、纹理分析和伪彩色处理等。

    Medical image proecssing mainly include image pre-processing , image character extract , image segmentation , image registration , image fusion , texture analyze and fake multicolor processing etc.

  21. 医学图像的彩色处理方法很多,本文讨论借助于计算机用映射变换法来处理医学图像的色彩问题&伪彩色处理,并详细讨论了转换原理及转换方法。

    This paper discusses how to process the color problem of medical image by using alternating reflection method , and the conversion theory and method is also discussed in details .

  22. 数字图像处理含有9个子功能块,分别是快速中值滤波、快速均值滤波、高斯滤波、图像伪彩色处理、边缘检测、直方图均衡化等。

    Digital image processing includes 9 sub-functional module , namely rapid mid-value filter , rapid mean filter , Gaussian filter , image false color processing , marginal check , histogram isostasy , etc.

  23. 将不同波段的图像进行伪彩色处理,能够集合各自的优点,改善图像质量,增强目标的可识别度,因此双色红外成像技术是近年来国外红外研究的热点。

    The image processed by pseudo-color technology with infrared images of different bands could pool their respective strengths to improve image quality and enhance target identification . So the dual-band infrared imaging technology is very hot the infrared study abroad in recent years .

  24. 计算机伪彩色图象处理颌面部X线片的分析研究

    Computerized Pseudocolor Intensified Technique Applied to the Maxillary Image Analysis

  25. 多极化合成孔径雷达数据伪彩色合成处理

    A false color synthetic processing for polarimetric SAR data

  26. 基于直方图的红外图像互补伪彩色编码处理

    Infrared Image Complementary Pseudo-color Coding Based On Histogram

  27. 实验性肺转移癌检测新技术&铸型扫描电镜观察及伪彩色图象处理

    A New Technique for Detecting the Experimental Tumor Metastasis by Cast-Scanning Electronmicroscopy and Pseudocolor Image Processing

  28. 为突出成像效果,本文在结果图示时均采用了伪彩色图像处理技术。

    To improve the image results , they mapped the inversion data ny false color image processing technique .

  29. 蛙卵黄粒晶形区向非晶区过渡的电镜观察及伪彩色图象处理

    Electron microscopic observation and pseudocolor image processing of yolk platelets of Rana amurensis : transition from crystal to non-crystalline portion

  30. 目的:评价改良伪彩色实时处理系统对心血管造影图像的处理价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the value of the improved real-time pseudocolor image processing technique in analysing the cardio-angiography images of congenital heart disease .