
  • 网络locking phenomenon
  1. 本文采用杂交/混合有限元对中厚板的屈曲问题和自由振动问题进行了分析,首先推导了一个修正的Reissner变分原理,它仅要求构造C~0类场变量,避免了闭锁现象的产生。

    The buckling and free vibration problems of moderately thick plate are considered in this paper by using the hybrid / mixed finite element model . A modified Reissner principle which only requires C0 continuity is derived . No locking phenomenon is observed .

  2. 进行了一系列数值例题测试,表明单元RPAQ能自动消除闭锁现象,在由薄板到厚板的不同情况下,在各种网格畸变的情况下,都能体现出良好的精度和数值稳定性。

    The results of numerical tests show that the element RPAQ is free from shear locking , insensitive to mesh distortion and very accurate and stable for both thin plate and thick plate .

  3. 因此,这种单元体通用于中厚板和薄板,不会出现剪切闭锁现象,也不存在多余零应变模式。

    There is no " shear locking " difficulty . No spurious zero energy modes exist with the element .

  4. 当板的宽厚比趋向零时,不出现所谓闭锁现象。

    As the thickness of plate becomes smaller and smaller , the phenomenon of locking up does not appear .

  5. 在非线性瞬态分析问题中,为了简化计算和避免剪力闭锁现象的发生,通常采用减缩积分的方法。

    In the analysing of nonlinear transient problem of structures , for simplifying calculation and avoiding the problem of shear locking , the reduced integral is adopted .

  6. 在板的有限元分析中,构造协调和无剪切闭锁现象的中厚板单元一直是人们所关注的问题和难题。

    The structure coordination and shear unlocking middle thick plate element is a problem to which people pay close attention in the finite element analysis of plate .

  7. 通过实验研究了激光器的频差闭锁现象和闭锁阈值与放电电流之间的关系,并对其进行了理论分析。

    The relation between the lock-in frequency difference and discharge current is analyzed through experiment . The frequency difference stability of the laser is tested and estimated .

  8. 对于薄板极限情况,这种厚薄板通用单元自动退化为原有的薄板单元,完全无剪切闭锁现象发生。

    In the case of thin plate , this thick / thin plate element is degraded into corresponding thin plate element automatically and is free from shear locking .

  9. 分别从理论分析及抗侵彻模型、陶瓷高应力率本构关系、数值计算与数值模拟、陶瓷对侵彻弹丸的闭锁现象等方面给出国外陶瓷材料抗侵彻的研究进展。

    Research progress in ceramic material for anti-penetration was introduced , including anti-penetration analytical models , constitutive equations with high stress rate , numerical simulations and computations and interface defeat or dwell of ceramic .

  10. 运用仿真软件分析了跟踪式光伏阵列运行特性、跟踪闭锁现象及步进跟踪控制方式对光伏阵列工作特性的影响。

    It uses the simulation software to analyze the characteristic of the tracking photovoltaic ( P V ) array and the influence to the PV array by the the tracker locking and step-track approach .

  11. 在解释CMOS器件辐射感应的闭锁窗口现象时,提出了所谓的三径闭锁窗口模型。

    When trying to explain the latch-up window phenomena in CMOS devices induced by radiation , the so called three-path latch-up window model is provided .

  12. 在研究体硅CMOS器件的闭锁窗口现象时,发现了一种新的抗闭锁方法&伪闭锁路径法。

    In studying latchup window phenomena in bulk-Si CMOS devices , a new method for prevention of latchup has been discovered , which is called pseudo-latchup path method .

  13. 在功率集成电路中,高压功率器件会对周围的低压电路产生串扰,从而造成电路失效甚至闭锁等现象。

    In Power IC , crosstalk between high voltage power devices and low voltage devices can cause circuit operation failure and even latch-up .

  14. VD4型真空断路器合闸闭锁电磁铁烧毁现象分析及改进

    Improvement and Analysis of Burnt down Phenomenon of a Locking Solenoid Electromagnet for Type VD4 Vacuum Circuit Breaker