
  1. 本公司除供应质优产品外,另外还经营各种印刷器材如丝网印刷机,网纱,网框,菲林,胶刮,调墨刀等

    Other than the above , we also supply Silk Screen Printing Machine , Mesh , Film , Squeegee , Spatulas etc.

  2. 基于PC的分区控制调墨系统的研究

    Study of Subdivision-controlled Ink Adjustment System Based on PC

  3. 快干丝网印刷调墨油的研制

    The Development of Quick Drying Sereen Printing Varnish Air piddler

  4. 谷登堡时代,人们用调墨油与灯烟混合制作油墨。

    By the time of Gutenberg , inks were being made by mixing varnish with lamb lack .

  5. 选用混合溶剂与适当树脂单体合成快干丝网印刷调墨油。

    The quick drying screen printing varnish was made from the adaptable resin monomer and the mixed solvent .

  6. 调墨油是亚麻仁油煮沸制成的。她不断地进行分离、熬煮、蒸发、滤清、调制。

    The varnish was made by boiling linseed oil . She went on separating , bolting , evaporating , filtering and mixing .

  7. 根据记录资料,电脑辅助控制墨量系统就相应的调校墨槽。2.通过边缘嵴平面辅助托槽定位的方法是可取的。

    From the informations collected , the computer-assisted inking system can set the ink duct accordingly . 2.the approach on positioning the bracket on the basis of marginal ridge plane is advisable .