
  • 网络conditioning;BTHC
  1. 利用动态挂片装置、调温调湿箱和电化学仪器,通过改变磺化钻井液温度、流速、Cl-含量、腐蚀时间、磺化钻井液pH值和湿度等条件,考察了这些因素对钻具腐蚀速度的影响。

    Such influencing factors as sulfonated drilling fluid 's temperature , fluid velocity and Cl ~ - content , corrosion time , pH and moisture on corrosion rate were examined by the utilization of dynamic coupon , temperature and moisture control equipment and also electro chemical instrument .

  2. 在实验室的小型调温调湿箱中对25mm厚赤桉干燥材进行终了调湿处理,并以切片法分析调湿过程中的弹性应变和机械吸附应变特性。

    Conditioning of 25 mm thickness dried Eucalyptus camaldulensis lumber ( EL ) was carried out in small capacity laboratory batch kiln , and rheology behavior including elastic strain and mechano-sorptive strain was analyzed by slicing method .

  3. 故凫绒的调温调湿性能远优于其他材料。

    It regulates temperature and moisture far better than other materials .

  4. 调温调湿日照实验系统

    A sunshine experimental system of regulating temperature and humidity