
  • 网络inspection body;SGS. SA
  1. 作为对消防检查机构、喷淋头行业、保险业以及建筑业主的一项服务,UL对从现场中随机抽取的喷淋头进行检测。

    UL tests sprinklers sampled from field installations as a service to inspection authorities , the sprinkler industry , the insurance industry and property owners .

  2. 认监委以及其他管理机构利用CNAS对认证机构、实验室和检查机构在相关领域的认可结果。

    CNCA and other relevant regulators utilizes the accreditations granted by CNAS for certification bodies , laboratories , inspection bodies in relevant fields .

  3. 四其他经劳动检查机构或主管机关核准者。

    Other inspections approved by the labor inspectorate or competent authority .

  4. 对于前项事业单位之请求,劳动检查机构不得拒绝。

    Labor inspectorate shall not refuse this request from the business entity .

  5. 我国建筑工程质量检查机构组建方案探析

    Discussion on planning of construction of construction engineering quality control organization in China

  6. 房屋质量保险制度下质量检查机构运行机制研究

    Research on the Operational Mechanism of Technical Inspection Service in Building Defects Insurance Systems

  7. 另一项改革是取消数十个检查机构、许可证、执照和认证书。

    Another reform is the elimination of dozens of inspection agencies , permits , licences and certifications .

  8. 环境:以色列特拉维夫的主要的健康医疗机构的不住院的内镜检查机构。

    SETTING : Ambulatory endoscopy services of the main health medical organization in Tel Aviv , Israel .

  9. 第二十一条物价检查机构受上级物价检查机构的业务指导。

    Article 21 A commodity price surveillance organ shall be guided in its operations by a higher level commodity price surveillance organ .

  10. 文章描述了中国大亚湾核电站成功实施的消防工作的策略和相应的管理系统,包括保证体系下的安全责任制、过程管理和资源保障;监察体系下的检查机构、检查大纲和经验反馈功能。

    The author depicts the strategy and management system of fire protection implemented successfully at Guangdong Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant of China .

  11. 事业单位拒绝前项之改善建议时,工会得向劳动检查机构申请实施检查。

    Where the business entity rejects the suggestions mentioned above , the union may apply to the labor inspectorate for requesting an inspection .

  12. 国际检查机构总干事本杰明·科恩表示,国际检查机构也将支持东京和北京的反兴奋剂工作。

    Benjamin Cohen with the International Testing Agency said the ITA will also lend its support to the anti-doping efforts in Tokyo and Beijing .

  13. 截至11月15日,检查机构不得不批准关于叙利亚摧毁其化学武器供应的计划。

    By November 15th , the inspection agency has to approve Syria 's plan for how it will destroy its supply of chemical weapons .

  14. 多个国家的检查机构仍在继续指控该公司的管理人员近年来一直向这些地方的官员行贿以获得基建合同。

    Prosecutors in a number of countries are still pursuing allegations that company managers paid off officials in those places to win infrastructure contracts in recent years .

  15. [研究目的]1摸清山东省职业健康检查机构总体数量、级别类别、地区分布、资质范围情况。

    Find out the overall number of occupational health inspection agencies , level category , the geographical distribution and the qualification range in Shandong Province . 2 .

  16. 印度苛刻的安全法规正让全球电信设备企业感到愤怒。该法规将要求这些企业向第三方检查机构提交自己的设备及严格守护的网络源代码。

    Global telecoms equipment companies are angry at draconian Indian security rules that will require them to submit their equipment , and closely-guarded network source codes , to third-party inspection .

  17. 劳动检查机构应于前项检查方针公告后三个月内,拟定劳动监督检查计划,报请中央主管机关核备后实施。

    Within three months following the issuance of inspection strategic directives , an inspection audit proposal shall be developed by the labor inspectorate and submitted to the national competent authority for approval .

  18. 调查人员说,这两封信件分别被白宫和参议院的信件检查机构截获,因此没有对奥巴马总统和韦克尔参议员构成威胁。

    Investigators said both letters were intercepted at mail screening facilities away from the White House and Senate offices and consequently did not place either the president or the senator in immediate danger .

  19. 对没有银行账户或者银行账户内无资金的,物价检查机构有权将其商品变卖抵缴。

    If the offender does not have a bank account or does not have the funds , the commodity price surveillance organ shall be entitled to sell commodities of the offender to pay the amount due .

  20. 第十条对生产经营者牟取暴利的行为,任何单位和个人都有权向价格监督检查机构投诉或者举报。

    Article 10 As for any behavior of producers and operators in making exorbitant profits , any unit and individual shall enjoy the right to lodge a complaint with or make a report to the price supervision and inspection agencies against it .

  21. 虽然英国政府已将振兴学徒制度列为一项政策重点,但教育检查服务机构——教育标准局(Ofsted)10月发布的一份报告称,他们走访的培养学徒的机构中,有三分之一提供的培训不合格。

    Although the British government has made boosting the apprenticeship system a priority , a report last month from Ofsted , the education inspection service , said that a third of the apprenticeship providers they visited offered substandard training .

  22. 对质量检查中介机构、保险公司运作模式、费率厘定等进行了探讨;

    Discussing the operation mode of insurance agent , fee rating and so on ;

  23. 他们的工作是检查这些机构,汇报任何违反1976年法令的事例。

    Their job is to check these establishments and report on any infringements of the1976 act .

  24. 在运用这一检验中,法院须详细检查行政机构准备的记录。

    In applying this test , a court must examine the record considered by the administrative agency .

  25. 仅有一家产前检查服务机构有能力用于梅毒诊断的密螺旋体和非密螺旋体检测。

    Only one antenatal clinic had the capacity to conduct both treponemal and non-treponemal tests for diagnosing syphilis .

  26. 研究对象在现居住地接受免费计划生育检查的机构主要是计划生育指导站/所、社区卫生服务中心、医院、妇幼保健机构等。

    Locations they acquire free family planning service in Shanghai are family planning institution , community health service center , hospital , maternal and child care service center and so on .

  27. 通过仿真验证了机床的工作原理、工作空间的大小和形状以及机构的运动学模型,检查了机构的干涉情况。

    The work principle of the machine , the size and shape of the workspace and kinematics models of the machine are verified by simulation . The interference of the mechanism is checked .

  28. 今天,总统在白宫召开记者会时表示,他的政府正在检查情报机构是否漏掉了波士顿马拉松爆炸案嫌犯的重要线索。

    As he addressed the White House press corps today , the president said his administration was reviewing whether intelligence agencies might have missed crucial information about the suspects in the Boston Marathon bombing .

  29. 巴基斯坦说,其所有核电站都愿意接受国际原子能机构(InternationalAtomicEnergyAgency)的检查。该机构是联合国下属的组织,负责监管核安全。

    Pakistan says all its nuclear plants will be open to inspection from the International Atomic Energy Agency , a United Nations organization that polices nuclear safety .

  30. 计算机绘图检查凸轮轮廓机构与摆杆的干涉

    Interference detection between cam profile and swinging follower using graphics display