
jiǎn yàn zhènɡ shū
  • testing certificate;certificate of inspection;certification of proof
  1. 出口许可证、保险单、产地证书和检验证书。

    An export licence , an insurance policy , a certificate of origin and a certificate of inspection .

  2. 我们还将寄给贵方一整套提单、发票、出口许可证、保险单、产地证书和检验证书。

    Together with the draft , we 'll also send you a complete set of bill of lading , an invoice , and export license , and insurance policy , a certificate of origin and a certificate of inspection .

  3. 当Web客户机向Web服务器验证身份时,Web服务器检验证书。

    When a Web client authenticates to the Web server , the Web server validates the certificate .

  4. Web身份验证信任风险:必须正确地配置用来检验证书的机制;在默认情况下,证书检验机制不适合Web通信流。

    Web authentication trust risk : The mechanism used for validating certificates must be configured securely ; by default , it is not for Web traffic .

  5. 由制造商及/或装运口岸的合格、独立的公证行签发的品质检验证书及

    Weight issued by the manufacturer and / or a qualified independent surveyor

  6. 测试结果应显示在检验证书中。

    The results of the test shall be stated in an inspection certificate .

  7. 授权谁来出具检验证书呢?

    Who be authorized to issue the inspection certificate ?

  8. 在装货港的检验证书将作为最终证书。

    Inspection Certificate at Loading Port is final .

  9. 随函附上本公司质量监控部门出具的一份检验证书。

    Enclosed is a copy of the inspection certificate from our quality control department .

  10. 此时,不能使用任何密钥存储库来检验证书。

    At this point , no key store can be used to validate any certificates .

  11. 放艇设备检验证书过期了。

    Test certificate of launching gear expired .

  12. 这些检验证书是最后依据,对双方均有约束力。

    These Inspection certificate be to be accept as final and binding on both parties .

  13. 卖方须向买方寄送一份由法定资格的商检员所签发的检验证书。

    The seller must send to the buyer a certificate Issue by a competent surveyor .

  14. 重量或数量检验证书

    Inspection Certificate of Weight or Quantity

  15. 质量检验证书副本一份;

    A quantity examination certificate duplicate ;

  16. 饮用水系统检验证书

    Drinking water system inspection certificate

  17. GB/T9226-1988标准放射源的检验证书

    Certification of standardized radioactive sources

  18. 由上海某某公司指定签署的检验证书的一个副本。

    Dated inspection certificate in one copy , purportedly signed by an authorized representative of * SHANGHAI .

  19. 我们的检验证书只反映我们在检验时间,地点的发现,不做其他意指。

    Our inspection certificate only reflects our inspection time , The discovery site , not other means .

  20. 此时,您不能使用任何密钥存储库来检验证书,这是有意这样做的。

    At this point , you cannot use any key store to validate any certificates . That 's intentional .

  21. 货物检验证书应该清楚地载明检验日期和检验证书的出具日期。

    The date of inspection and the date of issuance should be clearly indicated on the cargo inspection certificate .

  22. 要检验证书是可信任的,需要在连接建立之前提前加载一个可信任证书库。

    Verifying that the certificate is trusted requires that a trust certificate store be loaded prior to establishing the connection .

  23. 由上海商检局提供的检验证书将作为索赔的依据。

    The inspection certificate issue by the Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau shall serve as the basis for filing a claim .

  24. 所签发的船舶检验证书或检验报告与船舶、设施的实际情况不符;

    The vessel inspection certificate or report issued being not in conformity with the actual conditions of the vessels or installations ;

  25. 无相应的检验证书;持伪造、变造、转让、买卖或租借的检验证书;

    Having no corresponding inspection certificates ; Holding a forged , altered , transferred , traded , or leased inspection certificate ;

  26. 首甲板救生筏检验证书将在一个月后到期,申请年度检验。

    The survey certificates of the rafts on forecastle deck will expire in a month and annual survey should be applied for .

  27. 我们的商检部门所出具的质量、数量检验证书是最终的、对双方都具有约束力。

    Our commodity inspection department provides the quality , quantity testing certificate is final , and have the binding force to both sides .

  28. 所持检验证书与船舶、船舶上有关重要设备的实际情况不符;

    The inspection certificate held not being in conformity with the actual situations of the vessel or the relevant major equipment on that vessel ;

  29. 本交货条款第5条规定的品质检验证书及数量或重量证明书各1份。

    One copy each of the certificate of quality and quantity or weight , as stipulate In the clause 5 of the term of delivery .

  30. 一艘新建海船的法定检验证书可以由主管机关或者船级社,或者两者同时进行发放。

    For a new building the statutory certificate , which all convention ships must carry out on board , may be issued by the administration or by the classification society or by both .