
  • 网络Entrustment Inspection;Contract Analysis
  1. 委托检验中运用改良快灰法与缓慢灰化法的比较

    Comparison between slow-ashing method and improved fast-ashing method in commission test

  2. 大比例尺地面数字化测图的委托检验

    Consignment Inspection of Surveying and Mapping Products of Large-Scale Digital Topographic Map

  3. 为广大消费者提供委托检验服务。

    Providing the testing service to the individual consumers .

  4. 送样委托检验,仅对来样和所执行的标准负技术责任。

    For the entrusted sample tests , the technical responsibilities are undertaken for the delivered samples and the corresponding applied technical standards only .

  5. 我方对所提供的样品和资料的真实性负责,保证做好合作,并自愿承担约定委托检验的费用。

    We provided samples and responsible for the accuracy of the data , ensure well cooperation , and shall voluntarily undertake agreed consignation testing costs .

  6. 政府专项拨款与实行委托检验相结合,建立科学、有效的食品卫生监督体系是保证的必由之路。

    Combining special funds of government with contract testing and establishing scientific and effective surveillance system for food sanitation are quite necessary to ensure the food safety .

  7. 委托检验是由客户委托检验机构,依据指定项目对送检产品进行评估的检验。

    The consignment inspection is the organization , which is entrusted by the customers , evaluates the product in some special areas based on some technical standards .

  8. 进出口商品品质、规格、数量、重量、包装、残损、价值、装运技术条件的委托检验、鉴定和认证等业务。

    Inspection , appraisal and certification on consignment of quality , specifications , quantity , weight , package , damage , value and technical conditions of shipment of import and export commodities .

  9. 主管机关得将前项检验之一部或全部,委托其它检验机关、法人、学术或研究机构办理。

    The competent authority may mandate all or part of the above-mentioned inspections to other inspections institutions , legal entities , scholars or researching institutions .

  10. 我方保证委托样品检验结果的公正性、准确性,对委托客户负责,并承诺对客户所提供的实物和技术资料履行保密职责。

    We assure entrusted sample testing results of fairness , accuracy , to entrust responsible for customer , and promised to customers'physical and technical data to perform confidential duties .

  11. 买方凭其委托的检验机构出具的检验证明书向卖方提出索赔(包括换货),由此引起的全部费用应由卖方负担。

    The buyer shall make a claim against the Seller ( including replacement of the goods ) by the further inspection certificate and all the expenses incurred therefrom shall be borne by the Seller .

  12. 食品行业协会等组织、消费者需要委托食品检验机构对食品进行检验的,应当委托符合本法规定的食品检验机构进行。

    Where a food industrial association or any other organization or a consumer needs to authorize a food inspection agency to make an inspection of food , it or he shall authorize a food inspection agency , which conforms to the provisions of this law , to do so .

  13. 这就好比一位买房者信赖一份由卖房人委托出具的检验报告。

    This is like a home-buyer relying on an inspection report commissioned by the seller .

  14. 在(乙方经营地或者运输地)甲方有权自行或者委托其代理人检验货物。

    The party A is entitled to inspect , or to have its agent inspect , the Goods at the ( party B 's place of business or point of shipping )

  15. 年,法国政府委托必维国际检验集团作为民用航空器适航证书的官方控制机构。

    In1922 , the French government entrusted Bureau Veritas with the official control of airworthiness certificates for civil aircraft .

  16. 北京商检局可以根据需要委托符合条件的检验机构承担指定的检验工作。

    Whenever a need arises , the Beijing Commodity Inspection Bureau shall entrust a qualified commodity inspection organization to undertake the designed inspection work .

  17. 货物到达目的口岸后,买方可委托当地的商品检验机构对货物进行复检。

    The buyers have right to have the goods inspected by the local commodity inspection authority after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination .