
wěi tuō bǎo ɡuǎn
  • bailment;under trust
  1. 托付,寄存委托保管,托付我把自行车托付给他。

    To give over or entrust for safekeeping . I trusted him with my bike .

  2. 委托保管的保险有关资金

    Miscellaneous insurance-related funds held-in-trust

  3. 他们被委托来保管那个zpm。

    They were entrusted with the zpm .

  4. 我提议威尔逊代表他们那一帮人上前接受委托,保管这笔钱财。

    I suggest that he step forward on behalf of his pals , and receive in trust the money .

  5. 将一笔钱委托他保管或经营。在有据为己有的诱惑下,观察他抗拒这种诱惑的能力及操守。

    Entrust him to keep or run a business with a sum of money to test his ability to resist the temptation and personal integrity under the condition of occupying the money .

  6. 经本公司审核同意,权证发行人可将履约担保标的证券或现金委托本公司保管。

    Upon the consent of the company , the warrant-issuer may entrust the company to keep the subject-matter securities or cashes which are adopted for guaranteeing the performance .

  7. 通常,它规定接收的任何基于资产的实施资金将作为任何其它相关资产担保所有者的委托金加以保管。

    It will usually provide that any moneys received on enforcement against an asset will be held on trust for the holder of any other security over the relevant asset .

  8. 如权证发行人同时委托我公司保管履约担保标的证券的,行权专用证券账户同时用于履约担保标的证券的保管。

    In case the warrant-issuer entrusts our company to deposit the subject-matter Securities for performance guarantee , the exclusive exercise securities account shall be appliedy to the depository of subject-matter Securities for the guaranteed performance .

  9. 保管箱租赁业务是银行接受客户的委托,以出租保管箱的形式代客户保管贵重物品的一项服务业务。

    Safe deposit box is a kind of service rendered by the bank that keeps valuables for the renter in the form of renting safe deposit box .