
  1. 委托监护没有改变监护人的监护资格,也不能免除监护人的监护责任。

    Entrust guardianship did not change the guardian guardianship qualification , also cannot be remitted guardian custody of responsibility .

  2. 委托监护并不是监护设立的一种,也不同于监护的变更。

    Entrust monitoring is not to care for establishment of a kind of , is also different from guardianship change .

  3. 在体校里,她们每天训练数时,仅由学校里负责委托监护的女性工作人员照顾生息。

    There , they train for hours every day and are taken care of by women who serve as surrogate parents .

  4. 学校与学生的法律关系是委托监护关系,这是学生被保护的需要,也是学校和教师职责所决定的。

    The legal relationship between school and student is the entrusted guardianship . This is what the students need and also the responsibilities of school and teachers .

  5. 委托监护是在监护人因特定的事由而产生临时监护障碍时将监护职责转移给他人履行的一种临时监护措施。

    Entrust care is for certain reasons in the guardian generated temporary guardianship obstacles will be transferred to others to perform the duty of guardianship of a temporary monitoring measures .

  6. 目前我国监护法律制度还很不完善,对未成年人监护只规定了法定监护和指定监护制度,没有规定遗嘱监护和委托监护制度。

    The guardianship system in China remains to be perfected , since there are only systems of guardianship by statute and by appointment without systems of guardianship by testament and by entrustment .

  7. 委托监护并不是监护的设立方式,其实质是一种特殊的合同关系,委托监护关系的建立必须依靠委托监护协议来确定。

    Entrust monitoring is not to care for the establishment of way , its essence is a special kind of contract relationship , entrust guard relation establishment must rely on entrust guardianship agreement to determine .

  8. 幼儿园幼儿属于无民事行为能力人,幼儿园与幼儿之间不是委托监护合同关系,也不是监护权转移关系,而是教育管理法律关系。这种特殊性决定了幼儿园应对幼儿承担较重的责任。

    The kindergarten children have no capacity for civil conduct ; the relationship between the kindergarten and the children is the legal relationship of education management , not the relationship of entrusting supervision contract or guardianship shift , which determines that the kindergarten will bear larger responsibility .

  9. 为了确保委托监护的实施,我们应建立个人、国家、社会组织相结合的监督机制;借助社会力量完善委托监护的软、硬件设施;建立委托监护纠纷解决机制。

    In order to ensure the implementation of the entrusted guardianship , we should establish individual , the state , social organization of combining the supervision mechanism ; By means of social force perfect entrust guardianship of software and hardware facilities , establishing a principal-agent guardianship dispute resolution mechanism .