
  • 网络Maintenance cycle;examine and repair period
  1. SF6气体绝缘不下降,故允许SF6多次开断,检修周期长。

    SF6 Gas Insulated not fall , so many times to allow SF6 breaking , overhaul a long cycle .

  2. 确定机组最佳大修周期的理论方法是依据RCM理论确定设备的可靠度,再根据可靠度确定最佳检修周期;

    Theoretic calculation determines the optimum overhaul life according to reliability obtained based on RCM ( reliability-centered maintenance ) theory .

  3. 气体绝缘组合电器(gasinsulatedswitchgear,GIS)与传统的高压配电装置相比具有结构紧凑、占地面积小、运行可靠性高、检修周期长等突出优点,因此广泛应用于高压输电系统中。

    Compared with traditional high-voltage power distribution apparatus , GIS ( Gas Insulated Switchgear ) has the advantages of compact structure , easy maintenance , and reliable operation , thus widely used in high-voltage transmission system .

  4. SF6全封闭组合电器是一种具有可靠性高,检修周期长,结构紧凑等先进技术的综合输配电装置。

    SF6 totally enclosed combined electrical apparatus is an advanced comprehensive power transmission and distribution device with high reliability , long check period and well-knit structure .

  5. 车轴检修周期经济决策研究

    The Study on Economical Policy Decision about Repair Cycle of Car Axle

  6. 以柴油机输出功确定内燃机车检修周期的计算方法

    Method Using Diesel Engine Outputing Work to Computer Inspection Cycle

  7. 以燃油消耗量作为内燃机车检修周期依据的探讨

    Discussion on determining repair cycle of diesel locomotive based on fuel consumption

  8. 机械结构使用寿命和检修周期

    The service life and inspection periods of a mechanical structure

  9. 基于累积损伤度的内燃机车检修周期

    Repair Period of Diesel Locomotives Based on Accumulative Damage Degree

  10. 关于开关设备检修周期与策略的探讨

    Discussion on cycle and strategies for switch equipment maintenance

  11. 对规程规定电气设备检修周期的思考

    Reflections on the Repair Cycle Stipulated in the Specification

  12. 汽轮机组合理检修周期研究

    A study on reasonable overhaul life for steam turbines

  13. 球铁曲轴检修周期探讨

    Researches on the Overhauling Cycle of Modular Iron Crankshaft

  14. 煤矿机电设备合理检修周期的探讨

    An investigation of reasonable service cycle for mechanical and electrical equipment in coal mines

  15. 提速内燃机车检修周期结构调整研究

    Adjusted Periodic Maintenance Structure for Speed-enhanced Diesel Locomotive

  16. 检修周期对发电成本经济性影响的分析

    Influence of maintenance intervals on power generation costs

  17. 根据维护实践,提出了双工器的调整要求和功放单元的测试检修周期。

    According to the auther 's practice , adjusting requirements of power amplifier are given .

  18. 检修周期是检修制度的核心问题,只有科学合理地制定机车检修周期,使机车做到安全运行和适时检修,才能在保证机车质量和安全的前提下,实现铁路经济效益和安全效益的双优化。

    Determining repair cycle is a key link to ensure the safety and quality of locomotive .

  19. 改造后运行状况良好,延长了设备检修周期。

    After the transformation , the pressure station run well and overhaul period of the equipment was prolonged .

  20. 研究了单套保护系统的最优检修周期并构成检修策略。

    Further , both optimal maintenance cycle and the maintenance strategy are researched for protection system with single set .

  21. 对电泵井故障模式的调查和统计表明,潜油电泵机组使用寿命是影响电泵井检修周期的主要因素。

    The lifetime of the electrical submersible pumping unit is the main factor affecting the overhaul period of electrical pumping unit .

  22. 当出现故障时,蜗杆蜗轮减速器磨损状态的监测往往要停机检查,检修周期长。

    Traditionally , it will take a long time to check the wear on the worm and worm wheel in the shutdown period of worm gearing .

  23. 另一方面高压断路器的质量也有很大提高,故障率降低,检修周期延长,可靠性提高。

    On the other hand , the great improvement in HV circuit breaker quality brings about low malfunction rate , prolonged maintenance period and high reliability .

  24. 在这种检修周期事先指定的情况下,寿命预测方法已无法保证结构安全,这也是压力容器发生事故的主要原因之一。

    When the inspection period is predetermined , the life prediction method cannot insure the structural safety , which is one of the prime reasons of pressure vessel accident .

  25. 分析水解塔给料泵机封频繁失效原因,进行技术改造,延长了检修周期,取得较好经济效益

    This paper analyzes the reasons for frequent ineffectiveness of the seal of the hydrolyzer feed pump and makes some technical modifications which prolong its maintenance period and improve the economic benefits

  26. 获得不停电检修周期和停电检修周期的最优配合,并进行仿真验证。进一步,提出继电保护装置时变失效特性建模及失效率估算。

    And the optimal co-ordination maintenance cycle of two kinds of maintenance methods is obtained . Further , proposing the estimation approach for the time-varying failure rate of relay protection devices .

  27. 得出设备的不可用度随平均检修周期变化的曲线,得到不可用度最小值及与此对应的平均检修周期,确定最佳检修周期。

    Drawn equipment non-use rate with the average repair cycle curve , get the non-use rate of the minimum and corresponding to the average repair cycle , to determine the optimum maintenance cycle .

  28. 该方法也可用于其它含裂纹构件以及复合材料桨叶的无限寿命可靠性分析和检修周期确定。

    In consideration of the fact , that the longer the service time , the greater the probability of accident damage , the overhaul periods of propeller blades with high reliability are also given .

  29. 通过对车轴寿命分布及其运用成本的分析,运用可靠性理论建立了车轴检修周期经济决策模型。

    By applying the theory of reliability to the analysis of the life distribution and operating cost of car axle , the model of economical policy decision about repair cycle of car axle is set up .

  30. 为提高水电机组的经济效益和市场竞争力,最大限度地延长机组检修周期,降低检修运行成本,必须开展状态检修。

    For enhancement of the economic benefit and competitive power of water turbine generators , furthest extension of the unit maintenance period , and reduction of the cost of maintenance , hydropower plants must conduct condition-based maintenance .