
  • 网络Economic Observer
  1. 《经济观察报》(EconomicObserver)上周末报道称,农行将得到400亿美元的注资。

    The Economic Observer reported at the weekend ABC would receive a capital injection of $ 40bn .

  2. “在地方领导看来,节能降耗已成为一项政治任务,比gdp增长等政绩要重要很多,”一位干部向《经济观察报》表示。

    " In the eyes of the local leaders , improving energy efficiency has become a matter of government duty , one that is far more important than GDP growth or other political achievements , " an official in Wenzhou told the economic observer .

  3. 缅甸人不相信任何形式的国家金融机构。编辑《缅甸经济观察》(BurmaEconomicWatch)杂志的图内尔教授表示:没有人通过官方银行寄钱。

    The Burmese just don 't trust state financial institutions in any form , says Prof Turnell , who edits the journal Burma Economic Watch . No one sends anything through the official banks .

  4. 穆泰康评价说:我喜欢经济观察类的书籍。

    He quotes , I love books on economic observations .

  5. 以下这篇文章最初发表于《经济观察报》。

    The article below was originally published in Economic Observer .

  6. 经济观察:7.5亿惊天地产骗贷案是如何发生的?

    Economic observer : 750 million estate Piandai case is amazing how occur ?

  7. 经济观察:人均住宅面积背后还藏着什么秘密?

    Economic Observer : per capita residential area behind what was behind the secret ?

  8. 重新《南方周末》《经济观察报》的阅读。

    Re-entry " scale and scope of the " reading " Economic Observer " .

  9. 对质量文化现象的经济观察

    Observation on Phenomena of Quality Culture by Economics

  10. 上图所示的《经济观察报》成功挑战了官方关于一系列调查性报道的回应。

    The Economic Observer , above , successfully challenged local authorities'response to a series of investigative articles .

  11. 《经济观察报》以中国社会拥有财富、拥有权力、拥有思想、拥有未来的实力阶层为读者对象。

    Economic Observer 's targeted readers are the estate of people in possession of Wealth , Power , Thought and Future .

  12. 浙江省丽水市警方已经撤销了对《经济观察报》记者仇子明采取刑事拘留的决定。

    Police in Lishui City , Zhejiang Province , have removed Qiu Ziming , a reporter from the Economic Observer , from their wanted list .

  13. 但据经济观察报报道,现在还很难预计未来政策调整的频率和力度。

    According to a report of the Economic Observer , it is hard to predict the frequency and range of policy adjustment in the future .

  14. 据最新经济观察报的统计数字显示2007年由于股市和楼市的急剧升温,进一步加剧了贫富差距,当年我国的基尼系数达到了0.48。

    According to the latest Economic Observer , the Gini coefficient of China reached 0.48 in 2007 because of the rapid warmth of the stock and the property market .

  15. 中国《经济观察报》最近刊登一篇文章,比较大连和青岛这两座城市的发展。

    The Economic Observer , a newspaper in China , recently published an article comparing developments of the north-eastern coastal city of Dalian and the eastern coastal city of Qingdao .

  16. 然而,海内外的中国经济观察人士目前都在担心,不稳定正以一种最危险的形态逼近中国通货膨胀。

    Yet observers of the Chinese economy , both at home and abroad , now worry that what looms ever closer is instability in its most dangerous guise that of inflation .

  17. 本文就以《经济观察报》为范例,通过对其评论的理念、文风、定位方面的剖析,来探讨新兴财经类报纸如何更好的发挥评论功能。

    This text takes The Economic Observer for example , analyzes principle , literary style , fixed position of its commentary in order to research how newly developed finance & economics newspaper develop its function .

  18. 这是北京大军经济观察研究中心主任仲大军先生看了《2001年上市公司年报报告》后有感而发撰写的一篇文章。

    This is an article written by Mr. Dajun Zhong , Director of the Beijing Da Jun Economic Observation Research Centre , after he read the " 2001 Annual Report of the Listed Companies " .

  19. 《经济观察报》的副总编辑张宏,被领导剥夺了职务(虽然同意他继续工作),因为他带领组织了这次编辑报道。

    Zhang Hong , a deputy chief editor of the Economic Observer , a weekly newspaper , was stripped of his title ( though allowed to keep working ) for his role in organising the editorial .

  20. 一些国有媒体甚至更加大胆:经济观察报发表了一份写给获救的12岁女孩的令人惊奇的信直接的指出对制度腐败和虚伪的担心,这个女孩由于这次事故成为孤儿。

    Some state media proved yet more defiant : the Economic Observer published an astonishing open letter to a rescued two-year-old girl , orphaned by the crash , laying bare concerns about systemic corruption and hypocrisy .

  21. 《经济观察报》作为专业类经济报纸,自身的定位必然决定了其重视经济形势的分析预测。

    In contrast , " Economic Observer " is a professional economic newspaper ; the positioning of the newspaper is bound to determine that its emphases should be on the analysis and forecasting of the economic situation .

  22. 《人民日报》、《经济观察报》、《京华时报》金融危机报道比较研究从顺应论分析中美报纸对北京奥运的英文报道

    Comparative Analysis of " Financial Crisis " Report between " People 's Daily ", " Economic Observer ", and " Beijing Times " A Comparative Study of English Sports News on 2008 Beijing Olympics in Light of Adaptation Theory

  23. 这本书讲述的是“在金融变革背后的人的故事”。穆泰康评价说:“我喜欢经济观察类的书籍。这本书这类书中最好的之一。”

    This book talks about the " human story behind the evolution of finance . " He quotes , " I love books on economic observations . " He further says , " This is one of the best . "

  24. 求真、向善、臻美:奥运理念下运动人体科学教育的价值取向《人民日报》、《经济观察报》、《京华时报》金融危机报道比较研究

    Pursuit of the truth , charity and perfection : the value orientation of sports human science education under Olympic concepts ; Comparative Analysis of " Financial Crisis " Report between " People 's Daily ", " Economic Observer ", and " Beijing Times "

  25. 笔者选取了三家主流财经报纸《中国经营报》、《经济观察报》和《21世纪经济报道》为样本,时间跨度为20082010年。

    The two issues are the core of this study was to address questions . I selected the three major financial newspaper - " China Business ", " The Economic Observer " and " 21st Century Business Herald " as a sample , the time span 2008-2010 .

  26. 耐荫植物在室内绿化中的适应性和经济性状观察研究

    Adaptability of Shade Plants in Indoor Greening and Their Economic Performances

  27. 这种影响可以从销量情况或者产品价格等这些易于测量的经济变量观察得到。

    This effect can be observed by some easy-to-measure economic variables , suchas sales performance or product prices .

  28. 论文研究的目的是从经济层面观察外销画作为一种贸易商品所具有的商品特征。

    The objective of the thesis is to study the characteristics of the paintings as trade goods and the economic aspects of them .

  29. 广亲和性品种与粳稻杂交F1代主要经济性状的观察与分析

    Analysis on main economic characteristics of f_1s of wcvs × japonica

  30. 双秆棉生育特性及经济性能的观察

    The Observations on the Growth Characteristics and the Economic Property of Double-Stalk Cotton