
  1. 去年秋天,京东金融集团的首席执行官陈胜强参观了ZestFinance位于洛杉矶的办公室,并与梅里尔及其团队的成员进行交谈。

    Last fall , Chen Shengqiang , chief executive of the Chinese company 's finance unit , visited the ZestFinance offices in Los Angeles and spoke to Mr. Merrill and members of his team .

  2. 上周二,中国电商巨头京东旗下的子公司京东金融,宣布了品牌升级为京东数字科技,并通过人工智能技术进军农业和畜牧业。

    JD Finance , the financial technology arm of China 's e-commerce tycoon JD.com , unveiled the upgrade of its brand last Tuesday with JD Digits , and a move to make inroads into the agricultural and husbandry industry via AI technology .