
  • 网络CMOC
  1. 洛阳钼业的大股东包括国企洛阳矿业集团(LuoyangMiningGroup)和总部位于上海的私人股本公司鸿商产业控股集团(CathayFortuneCorp)。

    China Moly 's largest shareholders are Luoyang Mining Group , a state-owned company , and Cathay Fortune Corp , a Shanghai-based private equity company .

  2. 随着洛阳钼业(ChinaMolybdenum)本月早些时候宣布正在收购非洲最大铜矿之一,有一点很快变得明朗:这项收购远不止是奔着这种红色金属而来。

    As China Molybdenum announced it was buying one of Africa 's largest copper mines earlier this month one thing was soon clear : the acquisition was about far more than the red metal .

  3. Tenke铜钴矿位于刚果民主共和国东南部,在省会城市卢本巴希(Lubumbashi)西北约175公里。洛阳钼业表示,去年Tenke钴产量为1.6万吨,其钴储量还可继续开采25年。

    The Tenke mine , which lies in the south-east of the DRC , some 175km north-west of the provincial capital of Lubumbashi , last year produced 16000 tonnes of cobalt and it has reserves that could last 25 years , according to the company .

  4. 通力所作为洛阳钼业中国法律顾问,为洛阳钼业首次公开发行并在香港联合交易所上市提供了全方位的法律服务。

    Llinks acted as PRC Legal Counsel to China Molybdenum on this transaction , providing comprehensive legal services for both the initial public offering and Hong Kong listing .