
shuǐ wū rǎn fánɡ zhì fǎ
  • Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law;law on the prevention and control of water pollution
  1. 因此,在《水污染防治法》中明确要求达标排放、止并处罚超标排放。

    So , clearly demand the discharge up to standard , forbid and punish excessive discharge in " Law on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution " .

  2. 修改《水污染防治法实施细则》的几点法律思考

    Some Legal Thinking on Implementation Rules of Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law

  3. 《水污染防治法》的发展历程与成就

    Development Course and Achievements on Law of Prevention and Control of Water Pollution

  4. 中美水污染防治法比较研究

    A Comparative Study on Law Concerning Water Pollution Control Between China and the U.S.A

  5. 污染防治的会计学新旧水污染防治法的比较

    Comparison of the New Water Pollution Prevention and Control Law and the Old One

  6. 在此基础上,对完善中国的水污染防治法提出了一些建议。

    The author provides some suggestions to perfect the law of air pollution control in China .

  7. 尽快修改或重新制定《渔业法》、《水污染防治法》的实施细则或实施条例;

    Modify or reformulate rules and regulations for implementation on Fisheries Law and Water Pollution Prevention Law .

  8. 《防止船舶污染国际公约》浅议新水污染防治法对船舶污染防治的要求

    Talking about Ship Pollution Prevention and Control Demands in the New Law of Prevention and Control of Water Pollution

  9. 水污染防治法另有规定的,依照水污染防治法的规定执行。

    The provisions of the Law on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution shall be complied with where they are applicable .

  10. 周四,国家最高立法机关通过了修订后的《水污染防治法》,明确了对污染企业负责人重罚的决定。

    China 's top legislature on Thursday adopted an amended water pollution law that toughens punishment of company officials through hefty fines .

  11. 排污方责任或第三人责任&对于《水污染防治法》法律责任的反思

    The duty of a polluter or a third party & Reflections on legal liability of " Law on Prevention and Control of Water Pollution "

  12. 我国《水污染防治法》、《大气污染防治法》、《侵权责任法》等法律都规定了环境民事诉讼实行特别的举证规则,即举证责任倒置。

    The Water Pollution Prevention Law , Air Pollution Prevention Law , Tort Liability Act and other laws provide for a proof rule in environmental civil litigation named reversed burden of proof .

  13. 新《水污染防治法》对我国治理农村水污染起了良好的保障作用,但是该法并未涉及水污染税制度。

    New " Water Pollution Control Act ," Water Pollution in China in the rural areas played a good deal of protection , but the law does not address water pollution tax .

  14. 各级人民政府应当依照水污染防治法的规定,加强对水污染防治的监督管理。

    People 's governments at various levels shall , in accordance with the provisions of the law of the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution , strengthen supervision and management of prevention and control of water pollution .

  15. 权责均衡原则;政府主导和公众参与相结合的原则应该构成我国水污染防治法的基本原则体系。

    The system of the law should include the following principles : the primary prevention of drinking water , prevention first and scientific prevention , equal right and duty , and the combination of government guidance and public participation .

  16. 河北省应根据《水污染防治法》和有关法律、法规的规定,结合本省实际,制定和实施农村水污染防治的地方性法规,规章以及专项管理制度。

    Hebei Province in accordance with " Water Pollution Control Act " and relevant laws and regulations realities of the province , the development and implementation of rural water pollution prevention and control of local laws , regulations and special management system .

  17. 但是,在目前行政分权的情况下,处于流域内的行政区更多的是争相从流域索取而怠于环境管理纵容排污,这是造成流域水污染防治法贯彻执行不力的根本原因。

    However , within the administrative region in the basin is more eager connivance of the sewage from the basin obtained from the pollution caused by river basin , this is the root causes of the weak implementation of river basin water pollution control acts .

  18. 水污染物排放许可证制度是我国的重要环境法律制度,也可以说是美国水污染防治法的核心。

    Water pollution permitting system is one of the most important environmental system in China , and the NPDES permit system is very important to the USA too .

  19. 水污染防治在目前阶段仍然不尽如人意是多种因素叠加的结果,其中一个重要原因就是水污染防治法的调整范围存在缺陷。

    At the present , there are many reasons for water pollution prevention , one of the important reasons is that the legal system of water pollution prevention adjusting range exist deficiencies .

  20. 再次,对提高水污染防治的效能的常规方法和实践效果进行评价,提出了一个新的思路,即政府间相互制衡的办法,提高地方政府贯彻执行水污染防治法的动力。

    Gain , to improve the effectiveness of conventional water pollution control methods and to evaluate the practical effect , put forward a new idea , that way of checks and balances between the government and improve local government implementation of the water pollution control acts power .