
  1. 同时,对我国新的《水工建筑物抗震设计规范》(DL5073-1997)及其应用作了简要介绍。

    Simultaneously , the new 《 Antiseismic Design Norm for Hydraulic Structure 》 in China ( DL5073-1997 ) and its application are briefly introduced .

  2. 在此基础上,按反应谱理论计祘了地震荷载及其分布,并和我国现行的《水工建筑物抗震设计规范》(SDJIO-78)作了对比计算。

    The earthquake loads on the dam , their distributions and dynamic stresses are calculated by response spectral theory .

  3. 最后针对龙羊峡、溪落渡拱坝等实际工程,用时域法生成了与《水工建筑物抗震设计规范》规定的设计反应谱相拟合的人工地震动时程。

    Finally , in connection of the real projects of Long Yang Xia and Xi Lou Du arch dams , the artificial seismic time histories compatible with the design response spectra prescribed by the ' Specifications for Seismic Design of Hydraulic Structures ' are generated by the time domain method .

  4. 本文指出了进行水工建筑物的抗震设计和模型试验时,合成人工地震动的必要性。

    In this paper , it is pointed out that the artificial ground motion generation is indispensable for the seismic design and dynamic model test of hydraulic structures .

  5. 水工建筑物地震主动动土压力计算较为复杂,在现行《水工建筑物抗震设计规范》中提供的计算公式存在一定缺陷。

    Fhe active earth pressure for hydraulic structures caused by earthquake is rather complicated . There are some defects in its calculation formula in current seismic design specification .