
  • 网络CWA;clean water act
  1. 确定准确的数据非常关键,因为该数据会被用来计算英国石油公司因违反《清洁水法》而面临的罚款。

    Number chosen is important because the figure will be used to calculate any penalties BP might face for violating the Clean Water Act .

  2. 在美国,由于落后的污水处理厂排出的污染以及环保拥护者的努力,共同推动了“清洁水法”法案的通过。

    In the U.S. , the pollution from older wastewater treatment plants and the efforts of environmental advocates spurred passage of the Clean Water Act .

  3. 尼克松则通过了标志性的立法,如《清洁空气法》和《清洁水法》,并成立了美国国家环境保护署。

    Nixon garnered support for his passage of landmark legislation like the Clean Air and Clean Water Acts as well as the establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency .

  4. 例如美国20世纪70年代颁布的《清洁空气法》、《清洁水法》等法律中对公众参与制度做出了详细的规定。

    Take for example , the American Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act and other laws which were promulgated in the 1970s have made the detailed stipulations to the system of the public participation .