
  • 网络beijing-tianjin-tangshan region
  1. 京津唐地区农村&城市转型研究

    Study of Country-city Transformation and Harmonious Development of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Region

  2. 以农村发展为视角,城乡一体化为背景,详细分析了京津唐地区农村&城市转型的特征、动力机制和类型。

    From the perspective of rural development , the article carefully analyzes the characteristics , impetus and types of country-city transformation of Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan region .

  3. 京津唐地区中上地壳三维P波速度结构

    Three-dimensional P wave velocity structure in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area

  4. 而陆地上如华北平原、长白山附近以及京津唐地区由于受到地形、城市热岛效应等作用,属于午后活跃型MCV。

    Whereas on land like North China Plain 、 around Changbai Mountains and Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan ( BTT ) region MCVs were active on afternoon because of the effects of terrain 、 urban heat island , and so on .

  5. 远古时代京津唐地区一次大震的研究

    A strong earthquake event occurred in ancient time in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area

  6. 京津唐地区地壳形变及现代构造运动

    Crustal deformation and recent tectonic motion in the beijing-tianjing-tangshan region

  7. 刍议京津唐地区发展水稻旱作问题

    Discussion on Development of Upland Rice Cultivation in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Area

  8. 京津唐地区母线电压测量问题分析

    Analysis on Measurment of Bus Voltage in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Area

  9. 京津唐地区居里等温面及其与地震的关系

    Isothermal surface of Curie temperature around the Beijing area and its relation to earthquakes

  10. 缺水地区农业灌溉用水替代与农业发展&以京津唐地区为例

    Irrigation Alternatives and Agriculture Development in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Regions

  11. 中国区域创业成本系列调查京津唐地区篇

    The Survey of Start-up Cost in China : Beijing , Tianjin and Tangshan District

  12. 大武汉与京津唐地区经济发展模式比较研究

    Compare and Study on the Economic Development Model of Great Wuhan District and Jing-Jin-Tang District

  13. 缓解和解决京津唐地区水资源供需矛盾探讨

    The ways to mitigate and resolve the problem of water resource in Beijing Tianjin Tangshan region

  14. 京津唐地区水面蒸发估算及其分布特征

    Estimation and distribution characteristics of evaporation from water surfaces in beijing , Tianjin and Tangshan areas

  15. 京津唐地区的重力变化

    Gravity change in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area

  16. 京津唐地区部分夏玉米品种节氮潜力的估算

    Estimation on Nitrogen Fertilizer Saving Potential of Some Summer Maize Hybrids in Beijing-tianjin-tangshan Area of China

  17. 京津唐地区地震转换波测深结果

    The results of deep sounding by using converted waves of earthquakes in the beijing-tianjin - Tangshan region

  18. 国土卫星影像应用研究&京津唐地区资源与环境综合分析

    STUDY ON APPLICATION OF NATIONAL SATELLITE IMAGE & Integral Investigation of Resources and Environment of Beijing-Tianjing-Tangshan Region

  19. 京津唐地区水资源大系统供水规划和调度优化的递阶模型

    Hierarchical Model of Optimal Planning and Operation for Water Supply in JJT Area Water Resources Large-Scale System

  20. 用有限元法正演京津唐地区二维构造的大地电磁测深资料

    Finite element approach to data of magnetotelluric sounding for the two dimension structures in the Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area

  21. 京津唐地区深部挤压带特征及其与地震的关系

    Features of the deep compression zone in the Beijing Tianjin Tangshan region and its relation to earthquakes

  22. 本文阐述在大地电磁测深工作中,用有限单元法,模拟计算京津唐地区二维地质构造的大地电磁响应。

    The magnetotelluric response to the two dimension structures has been numerically modeled by use of the finite element method .

  23. 京津唐地区土地资源质量评价和土地生产力分析

    The evaluation on the quality of land resources and the analysis on the productivity of the land in jing jin tang area

  24. 本文介绍了京津唐地区内埋藏在全新世地层中的一次古地震遗迹和构造变形。

    The traces and tectonic deformations of palaeoearthquake event hurried in Holocene strata in Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan area have been studied in this paper .

  25. 在借鉴京津唐地区经济发展模式的基础上对所提出的大武汉地区经济发展模式进行了系统分析,并提出促进大武汉地区经济进一步发展的对策和建议。

    Then economic development model of Great Wuhan District is put forward when using the development model of Jing-Jin-Tang District for reference .

  26. 京津唐地区地震灾害区域宏观脆弱性变化的初步研究&空间变化

    A preliminary study on the changes of the Regional Scale Macroscopic Vulnerability to earthquake disasters of beijing , tianjin and Tangshan area & spatial changes

  27. 目前,珠江三角洲、长江三角洲和京津唐地区已成为我国三大城市密集区。

    Currently , three densely urbanized regions have formed along China 's coast the Pearl River Delta , the Yangtze River Delta and the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region .

  28. 本文通过近年来,在京津唐地区取得的大地测量资料,研究本区现代构造运动,指出了北北东&北东向、北西向及东西向三组构造最为活动。

    This paper deals with the recent tectonic motion in this region using the geodetic data , indicating three groups of the most active structures in NNE-NE-NW directions .

  29. 摘要为解决津星1号水稻在京津唐地区生育期过长问题,提出了相应的高产途径及栽培要点。

    In order to settle down the over-long growth period of rice Jinxing No.1 in beijing , tianjin , Tangshan areas , the relative methods for high yield and cultivation key points were put forward .

  30. 应用我国国土普查卫星像片结合其它资料,为京津唐地区系统提供了水资源、土地利用现状、低产土地、森林、风景和铁矿等资源的数据和系列图件;

    The data and maps of water , land usage , low-yield land , forest , scenery and iron deposite resources in Jing-Jin-Tang area , North China , were supplied by using Chinese land resources satellite images and other information ;