
  1. 背景:近年来,随着各种突发灾难性事件(地震、洪水、恐怖袭击、车祸等)的发生,创伤后应激障碍(post-TraumaticStressDisorder,PTSD)成了关注的重点。

    Background : Recently , with increasing of sudden catastrophic events ( earthquake , flood , terrorist attack etc ) post-traumatic stress disorder ( PTSD ) has received much attention .

  2. 地震和洪水可能导致塌方。

    Landslides can be caused by earthquakes and floods .

  3. 目前,正在发展应对地震和洪水等自然灾害的公共设施。

    Facilities to deal with natural disasters including earthquakes and floods are currently being developed .

  4. 崭新的:自然灾害!!!龙卷风,火灾,地震,洪水,台风,甚至外星人进攻!

    NEW : natural disasters !!! Tornadoes , Fires , Earthquakes , Floods , Hurricanes , and Alien attacks .

  5. 良好的地理位置使马来西亚无重大自然灾害,如台风、地震、洪水、火山爆发等。

    Good location to Malaysia no major natural disasters such as typhoons , earthquakes , floods , volcanic eruptions .

  6. 第一部分是地质灾害治理,使古建筑免于地震、洪水等自然灾害的再次破坏。

    The first phase is strengthening foundation of heritage buildings to protect them from natural disasters such as earthquake and flood .

  7. 然而,这些国家工资的上涨,正在侵蚀这种优势,而地震和洪水灾难也凸显了远程供应链的脆弱性。

    However , local wage inflation is eroding the advantage and earthquakes and floods are highlighting the fragility of long-distance supply chains .

  8. 他们(核反应堆)引起负面能量地球将通过地震和洪水消除这个疾病(对地球来说)。

    They generate negative energy and the planet Earth will therefore will try to eliminate this disease , with earthquakes and floods .

  9. 以地震、洪水和森林火灾等突发性自然灾害的遥感监测为研究目标,简要论述了航空遥感技术系统的一些应用示例。

    Some applications of ARSTS in monitoring earthquake , flood and forest fire to reduce damage ultimately were introduced in this paper .

  10. 特别是滑坡灾害,是仅次于地震和洪水的严重地质灾害,出现频率较大。

    Especially the landslide disaster , is second only to earthquake and flood serious geological disasters , the frequency of occurrence of large .

  11. 联合国和其他机构面临重建海地的任务。这是一个曾遭遇地震,洪水和疾病的严重影响的国家。

    The UN and other agencies face the task of rebuilding Haiti , a country badly affected by earthquakes , floods and disease .

  12. 极值理论主要以极值为研究对象,传统上被用来预测海啸、地震、洪水等自然灾害。

    The theory of extreme value mainly studies extreme value , which traditionally can be used as a tool forecasting tsunami , earthquake and flood .

  13. 她说,她担心发生更大的地震或洪水,可能他们现在待的地方也会毁了。

    Wang said she worries about a bigger earthquake or the flood coming , that maybe the place where they are staying now will also be destroyed .

  14. 我国是一个自然灾害类型多、发生频繁、损失严重的国家;地震、洪水等自然灾害每年都造成大量的人员伤亡和财产损失。

    China is a country that has severely suffered from various kinds of frequent natural disasters , among which earthquake and flood causes great casualty and property losses every year .

  15. 随后,以其中的地震和洪水为例,阐述了巨灾给我国经济造成的损失情况;最后,深入讨论了我国当前一些主要的巨灾损失补偿机制的问题,并提出了一些观点与建议。

    After described the natural disasters we are facing and the losses they will bring , we discussed the compensation mechanism of disaster in our country at present , and some proposals are presented .

  16. 我国是地震、洪水等自然灾害的多发国家,巨灾风险分布地域广、种类多、发生频率高、损失重。

    There are many natural disasters such as earthquakes and floods in our country , and the catastrophic risks have a broad geographical distribution , all kinds of types , high frequency , and the huge loss .

  17. 大跨连续刚构桥跨度大,施工期相对较长,虽然在桥梁施工期内发生地震和洪水的概率较小,但一旦发生,可能造成较严重的损失。

    Long-span continuous rigid-frame bridges have large spans and relatively long construction period . Although the occurance probability of earthquake and flood is small during construction , the happening of such events may result in serious consequences .

  18. 由于地震、洪水、瘟疫、灾荒,由于异族入侵和内部动乱,这些古文明,有的衰落了,有的消亡了,有的融入了其他文明。

    Owing to earthquake , flood , plague or famine , or to alien invasion or internal turmoil , some of these ancient civilizations withered away , some were destroyed and others became assimilated into other civi1izations .

  19. 极值理论是次序统计学的一门分支,传统上被用来预测海啸、地震、洪水等自然灾害,近年来已被广泛地应用于金融风险的管理中。

    The theory of extreme value ( EVT ) is a branch of order statistics , which traditionally can be used as a tool forecasting tsunami , earthquake and flood . Recently it has been applied to financial risk management .

  20. 近年来,地震、洪水、干旱、泥石流等突发性自然灾害也不时的威胁着国家的安定与和谐,制约着我国社会政治、经济、文化的发展。

    In recent years , earthquake , flood , drought , debris and other unexpected natural disasters are threatening the stability and harmonious of our country , and restricting the development of the social politics , economy and culture of our country .

  21. 鉴于尾矿坝与普通坝的不同,坝体稳定性分析的计算方案应增加地震叠加洪水时的情况,在对一些组成复杂含有夹层的土层进行参数分区时,应遵循“就粗”原则。

    Since tailing mines have serious harm to people , it should add a computation scheme of both earthquake and flood when computing dam stability , and it should obey a rule that taking fine particle as coarse one when soil having interlayers .

  22. 而且城市路网是分布区域较为广泛的网络,极易受到地震、洪水等自然灾害的破坏,灾后容易造成路网大面积拥堵甚至全面瘫痪,路网交通功能的失效会造成惨重的经济损失。

    The distribution area of city road network is very extensive , which is extremely vulnerable to earthquakes , floods and other natural disasters . The disaster is easy to cause the network congestion and even complete paralysis of large area , which will cause heavy economic losses .

  23. 巨灾保险是关于地震,洪水,海啸,泥石流等严重自然灾害的风险分担机制,与一般的商业保险相比,具有准公共物品性、政策性和强制性的特征。

    The Catastrophe Insurance is a risk-sharing mechanism for the severe natural disasters , such as earthquakes , floods , tsunamis , mudslides and so on . Compared with the ordinary commercial insurance , the catastrophe insurance has the characteristics of quasi-public goods nature , policy nature and mandatory features .

  24. 日本厂商2011年先后遭到了日本地震、泰国洪水和日元强势的打击,丰田(Toyota)、本田(Honda)和日产(Nissan)2011年的损失都不小。

    Hit by earthquakes at home and floods abroad , and punished by the strengthening of the Japanese yen , Toyota , Honda , and Nissan have been pummeled this year .

  25. 在可能发生强烈地震和严重洪水灾害的地区,必须在规划中采取相应的抗震、防洪措施。

    In areas where strong earthquakes and serious floods are likely to occur , measures for earthquake mitigation and flood prevention must be specified in the plan for a city .

  26. 此外,在面对汶川地震、南方洪水、日本福岛地震海啸等一些突发性的重大事件时,我国所表现出来的态度和行为,也时常成为国际舆论评判中国的重要依据。

    What ' more , when some accidents happened such as earthquake of Wenchuan , southern flood and the latest earthquake in Japan , national images are often produced according to Chinese attitude and behavior .

  27. 在地震、海啸、洪水等灾害之后,合作社已显示出其动员团结重建的能力。

    After disasters such as earthquakes , tsunamis and floods , cooperatives have shown their ability to mobilize solidarity for reconstruction .

  28. 尤其当应对地震、海啸、洪水、恐怖袭击等各种自然灾害和突发紧急事件的时候,通信在其中发挥着相当重要并且不可替代的作用。

    Especially in response to earthquakes , floods , terrorist attacks and other unexpected emergencies , the communications play a very important and irreplaceable role .

  29. 地震和飓风、洪水和龙卷风,及其他你们所谓的天灾,只不过是地、水、火、风四大由这一极到另一极的移动。

    Earthquakes and hurricanes , floods and tornados , and events that you call natural disasters are but movements of the elements from one polarity to the other .

  30. 灾难是一面特殊的镜子,透过它世间万态顷刻尽显,地震、海啸、洪水、飓风、火山爆发等等。

    The disaster is a special mirror , and through it the world million state instantly filling , earthquakes , tsunamis , floods , hurricanes , volcanic eruptions , and so on .