
fú shè wēi xiǎn
  • Radiation hazards;radiation risk
  1. 国际放射防护委员会(ICRP)关于辐射危险的新议论

    New discussion about radiation risk of ICRP 1990

  2. 可接受的危险水平&辐射危险与其它危险的比较

    The acceptable risk level & radiation risk in comparison with others

  3. 对CTDI的检测,可及时了解辐射危险水平,进而优化扫描方案,在保证诊断的前提下降低病人受照剂量。

    It is important to understand the radiation danger level and optimize the scanning protocol by checking up the CTDI .

  4. 高架火炬事故状态火焰热辐射危险性分析

    Flame Heat Radiation Hazard Analysis of Elevated Flare Under Accident Condition

  5. 辐射危险警示标志是什么意思?

    What does the " Radiation Hazards " warning sign refer to ?

  6. ICRP1990年建议书关于辐射危险评估的新进展

    New progress on assessment of radiation risk in the 1990 Recommendations of ICRP

  7. 她坚称这意味着强制工人们冒着不必要的高辐射危险工作。

    She insists that it 's exposing workers to unnecessarily high doses of radiation .

  8. 在受损福岛代核电站阿一在日本北部的危机,引发了人们的辐射危险的担忧。

    The crisis at the damaged Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Station in northern Japan has raised worries about radiation risks .

  9. 欧洲联盟委员会关于制定保护公众和工作人员健康免受电离辐射危险的基本标准的指令

    Directive from the Council of the European Union setting the basic standards relating to protection of public and worker health against the dangers resulting from ionising radiation

  10. 研究人员怀疑病人关于对比剂副作用方面的知情要更大于辐射危险,致癌性和其它替代检查方面。

    They suspected patients were more likely to get information on possible adverse reactions to contrast agents than on radiation exposure , lifetime cancer risks , and alternatives .

  11. 现有研究的主要集中于三个方面:目前放射性介入操作中的剂量水平、操作人员和患者的辐射危险以及辐射防护措施。

    Studies have focused on three fields : the radiation dose levels currently encountered in interventional procedures , the consequent risk to operators and patients and protection methods .

  12. 据Factor50组织的的首席执行官吉尔纳托尔称,图片向工作者们揭示了危险,这些工作者们也许并不认为他们正遭受来自太阳紫外线的辐射危险。Factor50是一个为皮肤癌患者提供援助的团体。

    The image demonstrates the danger to workers who might not regard themselves as at risk from the sun , according to Gill Nuttall , chief executive of Factor 50 , a support group for people with skin cancer .

  13. 结论:本研究获得的胸部摄影所致中国成人器官组织剂量,可为进一步优化胸部放射摄影提供科学依据,对于受照人群辐射危险评估和患者放射防护具有重要的意义。

    Conclusion : The result of Chinese adult patient dose in chest radiography provides scientific evidence for further chest image optimization , and can be of great useful to evaluate the radiation risk of population and to patient radiation protection .

  14. Links教授表示,只有核电站内的工作人员才会面临极高剂量辐射的危险。

    Professor Links says workers within the nuclear plant are the only people extremely high doses of radiation .

  15. BEIRV辐射致癌危险系数估算的方法和结果

    Method of BEIR V for estimating the risk coefficient of radiation-induced cancers and the resulting estimates

  16. 本文简要介绍1990年发表的BEIRV报告的辐射致癌危险估计模型及其计算结果。

    The projection model for estimating the risk of radiation-induced cancers and the result ob-tained in report BEIR V published in 1990 were described in brief in this paper .

  17. 政府欺骗公众,关于低强度辐射的危险性。

    The government deluded the public about the dangers of low-level radiation .

  18. 而过度暴露于太阳辐射的危险要大得多。

    The dangers are much greater from over-exposure to the sun 's radiation .

  19. 臭氧层能保护地球免受来自太阳辐射的危险。

    The ozone layer protects the Earth from dangerous radiation from the sun .

  20. 在这些国家,辐射的危险和反应堆的安全性尚未进入公共辩论。

    There , radiation dangers and reactor safety have yet to enter public debate .

  21. 对辐射致癌危险度的计算,是基于特定肿瘤的危险预测模型。

    Calculations of radiogenic cancer risk are based on the risk projection models for specific cancer sites .

  22. 辐射健康危险煤电链是核电链的43倍。

    Radiological health impacts of coal power chain are 43 times higher than that of nuclear power chain .

  23. 应用这些改进的危险系数,计算并给出了不同核素和不同暴露方式下组织和器官的辐射致癌危险度估计值。

    These coefficients have been applied to calculate the radiogenic cancer risks for specific organs and radionuclides under different exposure scenarios .

  24. 但是,我们确有责任采取谨慎的防范措施,来教育那些一旦形势恶化将有辐射之危险的美国人民。

    But we do have a responsibility to take prudent and precautionary measures to educate those Americans who may be endangered by exposure to radiation if the situation deteriorates .

  25. 电磁辐射预测突出危险性技术的试验研究

    Experiment and Study on Prediction Technology of Outburst Risk by Electromagnetic Radiation

  26. 但我认为暴露于辐射中是危险的。

    But I thought being exposed to radiation is dangerous .

  27. 比如像铀元素辐射是很危险的。

    There is talking about radiation like element U.Yeah , that 's dangerous .

  28. 人工电磁辐射源固有危险性指数法评价研究

    Research on the Appraisal of the Inherent Danger Index of Artificial Electromagnetic Radiation Source

  29. 天然本底辐射的潜在危险

    Potential danger of nature background radiation

  30. 如果你指的是像铀产生的这种辐射确实有危险。

    If you talking about the radiation , like the element Uranium , yeah that 's dangerous .